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Re: shiny-server in debian

Hi all,

Sorry I cannot keep up with all the developments. I have no idea how
shiny-server work, thus I would not be much of a help here, but I think
it is in good hands now :)

Replying only to Eric's summary of nodejs dependencies.

On 2022-03-27 06:20, Eric Brown wrote:
> So in summary, I think we should try, if this sounds sensible:
> 1. remove libjs-sockjs as a dependency of shiny-server

Sure, libjs-sockjs is superseded by node-sockjs-client, and should not
only be removed from shiny-server dependencies, but from Debian
altogether. I will contact libjs-sockjs maintainer about that.

> 2. add back the dist directory to node-sockjs-client, and add
> node-sockjs-client as a dependency of shiny-server

Right, node-sockjs-client is indeed missing the dist/ directory. This is
due to incomplete build (me to blame), I will attempt to fix it.

> 3. update outdated node-shiny-server-client to latest upstream

Seems a wise thing to do.


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