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Re: shiny-server in debian

Hi Eric and Andreas,

Replying to both in the same mail

On 26 March 2022 11:20:22 am IST, Andreas Tille <andreas@fam-tille.de> wrote:
>Am Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 08:37:52PM -0400 schrieb Eric Brown:
>> Thank you Nilesh for explaining why we can't have the example files
>> placed in /srv automatically. It's not critical. I see in that
>> document that asking the user for permission to make the links would
>> be allowed, this to me sounds like a good solution/compromise.
>Regarding the /srv issue we might have two options: Either we find and
>patch the code pieces inside shiny-server refering to /srv (in current 
>Git I get:
>   $ grep -R '/srv' | wc -l
>   36
>but there are several examples in this result set) or we provide a
>symlink in postinst which might be less error prone (but for sure
>not es clean).

But wouldn't that be an equivalent of installing anyway?
I thought we need some sort of $debconf to get it in, might be worth asking on -devel once?

>> The console error of missing __assets__/sockjs-0.3.4.min.js is because
>> libjs-sockjs needs to be included as a dependency of shiny-server.
>> When I manually apt install libjs-sockjs, that error went away.

Yeah, my hunch was right. I wrongly removed that from depends, I re-added that yesterday.

>> The other missing file in the console I am seeing is
>> ___assets___/shiny-server-client.min.js. This is a file that gets
>> installed with node-shiny-server-client. I was able to make this error
>> go away by copying the entire directory
>> /usr/share/node-js/shiny-server-client/ to a new directory
>> /usr/lib/shiny-server/node_modules/shiny-server-client/.

Eric, does adding a manual symlink for the minified file to the assets/ directory work for you?

>> The other one is not quite working as expected, but
>> is not crashing or throwing errors. I wonder if it may relate to

Could you maybe push your project somewhere for us to test?
Also could you describe a little more on what isn't working as expected for your second project?

>> shiny-server and node-shiny-server-client being older versions.
>I fixed at least the watch file in Git to easily see that we are
>currently working on an outdated version.

I will try to update the package and see. If it's not too much work, I'll push an update.

>> By the way, node-send is now updated and in unstable, resolving the
>> bug. 

Yep, I re-pinged the maintainer to get that in :)

>>Nilesh's node-rewire and node-sockjs are in NEW.

We can upload packages on top of new, so we would not have to wait for these to be accepted before upload shiny-server. As soon as we get your bug reports/feedbacks sorted, we can upload.

>Thanks to your and Nilesh's effort.  I'm not really back but will
>start contributing hopefully soon.

Hope to see you around soon!


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