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Re: shiny-server in debian

Hi Eric,

thanks for the feedback

On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 09:40:30PM -0400, Eric Brown wrote:
> First, there are missing symlinks at /srv/shiny-server. I think the
> expected behaviour is for there to be symbolic links to an index.html
> [...]

I don't think this can happen in the debian land, unfortunately. Debian packages
are not supposed to install anything to /srv
The closest thing I could find highlighting it is this lintian tag[1]

[1]: https://lintian.debian.org/tags/dir-or-file-in-srv

> When I move the sample files or my own shiny apps to
> /srv/shiny-server, the folder that determines what is hosted, the
> server does serve the pages and they render properly. However, when
> interacting with the shiny app, it is clear they are not working
> properly. The are unresponsive, don't update/produce results and
> ultimately timeout/freeze. When I look at the web browser console, it
> appears that certain internal javascript files are not being found
> (e.g. __assets__/sockjs-0.3.4.min.js).

This should be trivial to fix, however I do not have time to do that
at the moment.
@Andrius, if you are reading this, could you please make according changes in d/links?

> Finally, I noticed that the server logging is not fully working. The
> server is supposed to log to /var/log/shiny-server.log but there is no
> such file. On the other hand, it does properly log each individual
> app's R output to /var/log/shiny-server/app_name-*.log.

Maybe something is messed in the config files, again no time to check.
I only chimed in to get the package building, and did not check on the rest of
the things, unfortunately I am out of time now, sorry :(

> I hope this is helpful

Indeed, thanks for the help.


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