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Re: shiny-server in debian

Hi Nilesh and Andreas,

> I did not see any according commits in Git.

Sorry I meant I made progress on diagnosing the issues as described in
my email, but did not make any corresponding changes (not sure how
these are best dealt with in Debian).

> Eric, does adding a manual symlink for the minified file to the assets/ directory work for you?

Yes, this also solves the problem: ln -s
/usr/lib/shiny-server/node_modules. Note that I figured this out by
looking at my shiny server installed the typical way on another system
and this is where all the node modules are located. I'm not sure why
only this one needs to be linked there, but maybe it's something to do
with how we install node-shiny-server compared to other node modules?

> Could you maybe push your project somewhere for us to test?
> Also could you describe a little more on what isn't working as expected for your second project?

Yes, it should be straightforward to test. Here are the steps for my 2
examples, once shiny-server is installed:

Example 1 (appears to fully work):
1. In R, install dependencies: install.packages(c("covidprobability",
2. Save app.R (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eebrown/covidprobability_shiny/main/app.R)
to /srv/shiny-server/covid
3. Run app by going to http://localhost:3838/covid
4. Compare to expected behaviour at http://covid.eebc.ca

Example 2 (does not work properly):
1. In R, install dependencies: install.packages(c("chlorpromazineR", "shinyjs"))
2. Save app.R (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eebrown/chlorpromazineR_shiny/main/app.R)
to /srv/shiny-server/ap
3. Run app by going to http://localhost:3838/ap
4. Compare to expected behaviour at http://ap.eebc.ca

In example 2, the final drop down menu doesn't work at all (no
default, no options) and it is not clear why. It works locally and on
my server. I don't see any illustrative errors in the browser console
or the app log. This is why I was wondering about it being due to an
older version of either shiny-server or shiny-server-client.

> I will try to update the package and see. If it's not too much work, I'll push an update.

Great thanks, and I'd be happy to test again.

> Yep, I re-pinged the maintainer to get that in :)

Thank you!

I'm also hoping to try to build and test in ARM. I think having
shiny-server in ARM, for e.g. hosting on a Raspberry pi, would be
hugely valuable, as there is currently no straightforward way for
users but for many use cases it could be ideal.


On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 3:15 AM Nilesh Patra <nilesh@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Eric and Andreas,
> Replying to both in the same mail
> On 26 March 2022 11:20:22 am IST, Andreas Tille <andreas@fam-tille.de> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Am Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 08:37:52PM -0400 schrieb Eric Brown:
> >> Thank you Nilesh for explaining why we can't have the example files
> >> placed in /srv automatically. It's not critical. I see in that
> >> document that asking the user for permission to make the links would
> >> be allowed, this to me sounds like a good solution/compromise.
> >
> >Regarding the /srv issue we might have two options: Either we find and
> >patch the code pieces inside shiny-server refering to /srv (in current
> >Git I get:
> >   $ grep -R '/srv' | wc -l
> >   36
> >but there are several examples in this result set) or we provide a
> >symlink in postinst which might be less error prone (but for sure
> >not es clean).
> But wouldn't that be an equivalent of installing anyway?
> I thought we need some sort of $debconf to get it in, might be worth asking on -devel once?
> >> The console error of missing __assets__/sockjs-0.3.4.min.js is because
> >> libjs-sockjs needs to be included as a dependency of shiny-server.
> >> When I manually apt install libjs-sockjs, that error went away.
> Yeah, my hunch was right. I wrongly removed that from depends, I re-added that yesterday.
> >> The other missing file in the console I am seeing is
> >> ___assets___/shiny-server-client.min.js. This is a file that gets
> >> installed with node-shiny-server-client. I was able to make this error
> >> go away by copying the entire directory
> >> /usr/share/node-js/shiny-server-client/ to a new directory
> >> /usr/lib/shiny-server/node_modules/shiny-server-client/.
> Eric, does adding a manual symlink for the minified file to the assets/ directory work for you?
> >> The other one is not quite working as expected, but
> >> is not crashing or throwing errors. I wonder if it may relate to
> Could you maybe push your project somewhere for us to test?
> Also could you describe a little more on what isn't working as expected for your second project?
> >> shiny-server and node-shiny-server-client being older versions.
> >
> >I fixed at least the watch file in Git to easily see that we are
> >currently working on an outdated version.
> I will try to update the package and see. If it's not too much work, I'll push an update.
> >> By the way, node-send is now updated and in unstable, resolving the
> >> bug.
> Yep, I re-pinged the maintainer to get that in :)
> >>Nilesh's node-rewire and node-sockjs are in NEW.
> We can upload packages on top of new, so we would not have to wait for these to be accepted before upload shiny-server. As soon as we get your bug reports/feedbacks sorted, we can upload.
> >Thanks to your and Nilesh's effort.  I'm not really back but will
> >start contributing hopefully soon.
> Hope to see you around soon!
> Regards,
> Nilesh

Eric Brown MD MSc FRCPC
For encryption, OpenPGP public key available on request.

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