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[PATCH] Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes [PATCH] Spelling fixes [PATCH] Use debianbts instead of SOAPpy [PATCH] Use type="search" for search input fields Re: [UDD] Missing descriptions for some packages Bug#797223: Bug#851296: Bug#851296: [PATCH 1/3] Use urlquote_plus instead of urlquote for query string data Bug#851296: [PATCH 2/3] Missing URL encoding fixes Bug#851296: [PATCH 3/3] TransitionsPanel: URL quote in template, not variables Re: Bug#879179: Excuses page for why libgles1-mesa-dev is not in testing doesn't exist Bug#879232: marked as done ( [udd] Fix link for form in lintian template) Bug#879232: [udd] Fix link for form in lintian template Bug#879274: Several errors with Debian 9.2 Bug#879278: fakeupstream.cgi: Broken google-fonts upstream (probably svn/TLS certificate) Bug#879278: marked as done (fakeupstream.cgi: Broken google-fonts upstream (probably svn/TLS certificate)) Bug#879280: fakeupstream.cgi: Use a 5xx HTTP status code in case of error Bug#879280: marked as done (fakeupstream.cgi: Use a 5xx HTTP status code in case of error) Bug#879852: marked as done (sourceforge redirector takes subfolder into account) Bug#879852: sourceforge redirector takes subfolder into account Bug#880084: mojibake in "testing migration" box Debian Jenkins IRC meeting @ 25.09.2017 18:00 (UTC) Error code 500 on Processed: forcibly merging 853189 880084 Processed: reassign 879274 to src:linux somehow missed your answer torbrowser-launcher: no migration path possible from tbb 6.5.1 to 7.0.6 (News.debian.gz) upgrading quantz.d.o (qa) to stretch The last update was on 23:20 GMT Sun Mar 08. There are 47 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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