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Re: Powerpc (mac-G4) -essentially (hardly) broken

[about key mappings under X on a GB keyboard]
> I also have to get the tilde/grave key to 
> produce tilde/grave (it produces < or > in the console, and the 
> plus/minus / section key -- top left of the keyboard  -- does the 
> tilde/grave thing)  It took ages to find this out: the key is inbetween 
> the left hand shift key and the Z, so I don't understand why X thinks 
> it's AC11.  It returns kecode 94 according the xev: this is strange 
> because that's the code for KP4 according to the keycodes file I looked 
> in.  I don't know what's going on here, but this fixes it (and changing 
> KP4 stops the 4 on the keypad from working, so at least that's consistent).
> key <AC11> {        [           grave,      asciitilde      ]       };

This key mapping problem has been following me for years ;-) It seems
that two keys are exchanged on some Apple keyboards vs. the US
keyboards. I use swiss-french keyboards myself, and I always had to swap
top-left (left of '1', grave/tilde on US) and between l-shift and 'y'
(labelled '</>').

Anyone else have insight here? At one time, the ADB driver printed
'..detected ISO keyboard, swapping keys..', but I don't know whether
it's related... or whether these are simply bugs in some key mapping

At work, I have a beige G3 connected to a Belkin PS/2-ADB converter with
a PS/2 swiss-french keyboard, that also has this behaviour. Worse, the
key left of 'y' labelled '</>' doesn't produce any reaction at all....

>>>I still don't know where the list of vmodes is.  In the end, tralling 
>>>the web at random chose 22 for me.  I thought it might be in the 
>>>XFree.org site, but not where I can see it.  I suppose it's 
>>>apple-hardware specific, but I can't find it in their documentation 
>>>(which is not much fun to read for a Linux geek).
>>It certainly doesn't have anything to do with XFree86. ;)

No, grep through the linux kernel include files, it's defined there



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg              |
email   mlan@cpu.lu            |
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