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Re: error trying to boot on a pismo

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 08:33:10PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
> i don't really know a whole lot about how DVDs work on computers, i
> know my blue g3 has a dvd drive and a MPEG hardware decoder on the
> rage128.  whether that has anything to do with the decryption crap i
> have no idea.  ive been so discusted with all the crap going on with
> dvds i just don't buy them.  though either way i am now of the opinion
> that dvd movies are better done on a regular tv and not the computer.

I probably know even less about them, no idea if I will buy more, though
allegedly I can plug the laptop into a tv and play the fvd on the tv screen,
generally there is other stuff I need to do with my time rather than watch
videos or vd's or whatever much so it probably wont affect me much either
> a serial terminal can save you all that trouble or else setting the
> input and output device variables properly if your machine has
> anything resembling a OF video driver.  then you can boot into an OF
> prompt and enter `boot AAPL,ROM' to boot the macos rom (and thus
> miboot/macos) and just let it boot to get quik.  

well I finally got a mac modem cable and hoked it up to a null modem plug
and was able to get OF on my 7220, however with the computer still not
booting into linux when booting from quik this wontr help much, I am havinbg
to boot into an environment where I can put a new kernel on the machine and
tell quik to use it, then reboot to see if it works, if it doesnt work,
booting off floppies takes ages (debian install floppies are now two
floppies to wait for loading of and all) I suppose I could set up a network
boot environment so when a boot from quik fiales it loads a rescue system
over the network or something maybe.

on another note, I weridly cant find mutt 1.2.5 in the debian unstable or
testing archives on my friendly local debian mirror, I have mutt 1.2.5-1 for
x86 out of woody from about 2-3 months ago, but the only mutt I can find for
powerpc in testing is 1.1.something. Oh well I dont plan to move my primary
email reading platform any time soon I suppose, and I can always ssh into a
server with a recent mutt and proepr setup for email.

	See You

sjh@wibble.net http://wibble.net/~sjh
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        Is it a plane    No
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