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Re: Custom undocumented(7)s are just as bad.

>>"Seth" == Seth R Arnold <sarnold@willamette.edu> writes:

 >> Question: would the distribution quality really suffer if we
 >> did alienate them?

 Seth> Probably not, at least right away. However, in the long run, if
 Seth> Debian gets a reputation for being beligerant to its
 Seth> developers, people might move to other distros or other free
 Seth> unices -- depriving Debian of perhaps their future good work.

        We are not being beligerant. We are merely asking for
 competence. And not knowing how to write a man page is not something
 bad (no one was born knowing everything) -- but the unwillingness to
 learn pod2man in order to write one, well, how useful would their
 future good work be? (1/2 ;-)

        Mind you, we have people of the calibre of Bear Giles and
 Raphael Manfredi who have expressed an interest in working for
 Debian. I think that it will be a long while before we have to lower
 our standards for the lack of competent developers. 

 Seth> I am just not a fan of "if you can't figure it out, then drop out" -- 
 Seth> perhaps a softer wording would be more to my tastes. :) 

        Perhaps. If I was addressing an individual, rather than
 formulating a genralism, I would have been more tactful. But the
 point remains: if we are indeed striving for the +best_ possible
 distribution, we have to draw the line somewhere on maintainer
 competence. I'm sorry for being blunt. But excellence is a worthy

        Yes, it makes for a less warm-fuzzy project -- but when warm
 fuzzy interferes with quality of the project, well .. you know what
 my reaction is.

 A closed mouth gathers no foot.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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