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Re: Packaging phpLDAPadmin. Newbie's questions.

On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 18:47:51 -0600, David Segonds <david@segonds.org> said: 

> Dumb question: Did you envision a version of 'ucf' that would not
> rely on being installed on the machine but directly integrated in
> the post and pre scripts?

	Duplication of code, and bug fixes in ucf can benefit all
 packages using ucf. Unlike complex utilities, ucf has a very simple
 interface, and essentially does one thing -- ask the user questions
 about configuration files just like dpkg does for conffiles.

> Having multiple copy of 'ucf' laying around is not really effective
> though but, that one less package to install.

	Umm, what is the downside of installing another package,
 rather than having gazillions of copies of it lying around?

> ucf is keeping one hashfile for all the files that depend on it in
> /var/lib/ucf. One other option, would have been to store one
> hashfile per package.

	And what would the advantage be?


"Anything else, sir?" asked the attentive bellhop, trying his best to
make the lady and gentleman comfortable in their penthouse suite in
the posh hotel. "No.  No, thank you," replied the gentleman. "Anything
for your wife, sir?" the bellhop asked. "Why, yes, young man," said
the gentleman.  "Would you bring me a postcard?"
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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