debian-l10n-dutch Mar 2019 by subject
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[BTS#923728] po://apt
[BTS#923834] po4a://apt
[BTS#924103] po-debconf://ltsp
[BTS#924776] po://dpkg
[BTS#924777] po4a://dpkg
[BTS#925922] po://attr
[RFR] po-debconf://neutron-dynamic-routing
[RFR] po-debconf://shim-signed
[RFR] po-debconf://ucf
[RFR] po4a://dpkg
[RFR] po://attr
[RFR] po://debian-edu-doc/documentation/debian-edu-buster/
[RFR] po://dpkg
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
Evento Actualizado - Normas y Reglamentos para el Transporte de Materiales y Residuos
Evento: Ahorro y uso eficiente de combustible en empresas de transporte
Programa Especial: Administracion integral de combustible para una flotilla vehicular
Tidy validation failed
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