debian-hppa Nov 2001 by thread
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- PALO install problem on 712 Bill Ferguson
- FYI: Sync on Green to VGA monitor converter Bill Ferguson
- query about non-functional keys Dean Allen Provins
- libwxgtk2.2 missing in hppa Wookey
- Problem installing console-tools, how to reset config? B. Douglas Hilton
- getting a second disc set up as a bootable Dean Allen Provins
- Installing release 0.9.2 on a 720? Samuel Sarholz
- Re: [parisc-linux] WARNING: DO NOT APT-GET UPGRADE HPPA Peter Mottram
- Key codes for top left hand US keyboard and ^X Dean Allen Provins
- disk copy curiousities Dean Allen Provins
- install ocaml on sarti ? Sven
- rdev missing from util-linux? Albert Strasheim
- The A500 likes 2.4.14-pa3 Thomas Marteau
- Re: [palinux-gcc] Problem with gcc on 0.9 parisc linux Matthew Wilcox
- tcl/tk-dev on paer, which one to use ??? Sven
- Toolchain improved, archive better, proceed with caution Matt Taggart
- Re: Strange g++ results on HPPA (sarti.d.o) Randolph Chung
- gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Anthony Towns
- Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc LaMont Jones
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: FWD: Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Christopher C. Chimelis
- Re: FWD: Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc LaMont Jones
- Re: FWD: Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Christopher C. Chimelis
- Re: FWD: Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Matthew Wilcox
- Re: FWD: Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Christopher C. Chimelis
- Re: FWD: Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Helge Deller
- Re: FWD: Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Richard Hirst
- Re: FWD: Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Richard Hirst
- Re: FWD: Re: gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Christopher C. Chimelis
- Install problem Barber, Patrick D
- Spaceball Henry Schimmer
- Re: Bug#118611: HPPA Christoph Martin
The last update was on 06:01 GMT Mon May 13. There are 62 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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