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Re: Could you allow me to switch DMUA flag?

On 12-02-28 at 10:46am, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Your changes look good (from a first quick glance at it).

Upstream README now explicitly mentions a list of LaTeX files required:

> Production of a PDF requires that a LaTeX engine be installed (see 
> `--latex-engine`, below), and assumes that the following LaTeX 
> packages are available: `amssymb`, `amsmath`, `ifxetex`, `ifluatex`, 
> `listings` (if the `--listings` option is used), `fancyvrb`, 
> `enumerate`, `ctable`, `url`, `graphicx`, `hyperref`, `ulem`, `babel` 
> (if the `lang` variable is set), `fontspec` (if `xelatex` or 
> `lualatex` is used as the LaTeX engine), `xltxtra` and `xunicode` (if 
> `xelatex` is used).

Those should be resolved into Debian packages, and if not 
already suggested then done + mentioned in long description for which 
LaTeX engine it is needed.

I tried locating first one, amssymb, but apparently that one is not even 
available in Debian...

We should probably test-build and verify if the three LaTeX engines work 
at all in Debian.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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