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Re: Packaging for cbind/cview

On Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 12:52:38PM +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> The header of mail should be "control: retitle -1 <New title>" - there
> was no need for two mails which you likely did (one to control@b.d.o and
> another to bug)

I did sort of try to do this by sending mail to control, but it gave
some errors about not being able to process the explanation lines.

The BTS workflow is still confusing even after reading the docs. When
you mean "header of mail", do you mean I could have sent an email to the

> Hi Micheal,
> The header of mail should be "control: retitle -1 <New title>" - there
> was no need for two mails which you likely did (one to control@b.d.o and
> another to bug)
> For sure, it is OK for now.

I did sort of try to do this by sending mail to control, but it gave
some errors about not being able to process the explanation lines.

The BTS workflow is still confusing even after reading the docs. When
you mean "header of mail", do you mean I could have sent an email to the
bug (eg 985182@bugs.debian.org) with the first line of the body,
"control: retitle -1 <New title>", as the psuedo-header, then below it
in the body the explanation?

Or is there a special email header itself, similar to the X-Debbugs-CC
email header to CC Debian lists?

> > I've re-packaged cbind with the new upstream and it's on mentors
> > and a new RFS is created if you could please review.
> Can you please push this to salsa?

The salsa repo is up-to-date. I just added the debian/gitlab-ci.yml
a few minutes ago.


The gitlab pipelines always seem to fail too. The one job,
test_the_archive, gets a timeout and there's no log or other info to say
why it's getting stuck.

I'm guessing maybe the gitlab runners setup for the project aren't
processing jobs? Is there a good place to find out more info on
this? I manage Gitlab CI/CD pipelines at my dayjob and would like
to understand more about how this is all setup in Debian Gitlab

Thank you.

Micheal Waltz
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