debian-go Sep 2018 by thread
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First try at using gbp buildpackage... can't find funcmap? Dan Kegel
Re: [pkg-go] Bug#904261: dh-golang: Don't install files listed in DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES to dev pacakge Clément Hermann
dh-make-golang too old on ubuntu 18.04, but 18.10's is ok... Dan Kegel
Re: FYI: presentation “Go in Debian” Michael Stapelberg
Bug#908868: RFH: -- Linux container runtime Dmitry Smirnov
Bug#908934: ITP: golang-github-azure-azure-pipeline-go -- HTTP request/response middleware pipeline Dr. Tobias Quathamer
Bug#908935: ITP: golang-github-azure-azure-storage-blob-go -- Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Library for Go Dr. Tobias Quathamer
Bug#908943: ITP: golang-github-dnaeon-go-vcr -- Record and replay your HTTP interactions for tests Dr. Tobias Quathamer
how to help with ? shirish शिरीष
etcd-server and etcd-client to stretch-backports Stefan Eriksson
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