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Re: DE features dependent on Systemd


The Wanderer:
> Thus, having systemd provide power management would at best have no
> effect, more likely increase the likelihood of power-management bugs
> (and make documenting power-management behavior harder),

You're forgetting a few things here.

* The idea is for all the legacy code to go away eventually, 

* There is no "worry". Either the DBUS interface is available or it is not.
  If it is, use it, otherwise fall back to legacy code. That's hardly
  rocket science.

* If you don't like your system's power management, you can now roll your
  own. You get a stable interface to code for, not five desktop systems
  which each do their own internal API (if that).

* One comprehensive implementation of power management is easier to debug
  than five of them.

* Multi-user/seat. I'd like to keep my damn laptop closed but awake while
  I'm logged in via SSH. Without reconfiguring the damn DE, which I can't
  even do from an SSH login. Same for a desktop system which should go to
  idle mode only when _all_ of its screens are asleep.

* If I want my program to block power management, I now have _one_
  interface to do so – the desktop library I'm already developing
  for, which will forward my request to the system's power management.
  Thus, suddenly a KDE TV viewer can keep the system alive when someone
  runs it on an LXDE desktop.

> The first would indicate wasted effort; the other two would be bad.
"Wasted effort" is/was to implement mostly-the-same power management
features, in a slightly different way, in each desktop environment.

-- Matthias Urlichs

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