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DE features dependent on Systemd

>>>>> Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org> writes:
>>>>> Le samedi 29 novembre 2014 à 16:37 +0000, Ivan Shmakov a écrit :
>>>>> Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org> writes:


 >>> Desktops (not only GNOME) use a very tiny bit of systemd,
 >>> interfaces that could be provided elsewhere.

 >> Is that “use” as in “if available” or is that actually “require and
 >> be sure to die unless provided”?

 > Directly: DEs provide more useful features (especially power
 > management) with systemd but will work correctly without.

	I see nothing in the ‘apcupsd’ changelog [1] (which is about the
	only package related to power management I have installed on my
	systems) to suggest it ever having any Systemd integration.

	Or does the above concerns the users of “normally
	battery-powered” devices instead?

[1] http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/a/apcupsd/apcupsd_3.14.12-1_changelog

 > Indirectly through PolicyKit: lots of functionality will be missing
 > if PolicyKit doesn’t have access to a console management interface.


FSF associate member #7257  np. Tree of Love — Jami Sieber   … B6A0 230E 334A

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