debian-ctte Dec 2006 by subject

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Re: [Fwd: Bug#399859: nagios2 uses images from nagios-images, but has no recommends or suggests] bug 402772: downgrade mplayer bug 395252 (for including mplayer in etch) Bug#353277: marked as done (should be in contrib) Bug#353278: marked as done (should be in contrib) Bug#402772: bug 402772: downgrade mplayer bug 395252 (for including mplayer in etch) Bug#402772: marked as done (downgrade mplayer bug 395252 (for including mplayer in etch)) Bug#402793: tech-ctte: gst-ffmpeg links with its own private ffmpeg copy Processed: bugs closed by spam Re: Renewed appeal to the technical committee about the FransAndCo.Vs.Sven dispute The last update was on 08:14 GMT Thu May 23. There are 33 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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