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Re: Bug#402772: marked as done (downgrade mplayer bug 395252 (for including mplayer in etch))

* Raul Miller (moth.debian@gmail.com) [061220 15:21]:
> In essence, what we're dealing with here is an artifact of naming.  There's
> ffmpeg the binary, ffmpeg the shared library, and ffmpeg the internal
> module of mplayer.  With the current development efforts, each of those
> three has valid reasons to exist, but in terms of packaging I think the 
> shared
> library should be thought of as a fork of the internal module.
> I can see changing this point of view, should the development scene
> change.  But I do not see that this is worth release critical status
> if we don't have any decent development effort track record to fall
> back on.

Well, the release team already decided that this is not RC for etch, and
for lenn, we will see. I think letting the relevant teams redecide in
case they think the sitution changed is a good thing, so I don't see
need for TC decisions here either.


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