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Re: bug 402772: downgrade mplayer bug 395252 (for including mplayer in etch)


        Off hand, I can see several reasons not to carry around
 private copies of code: including code bloat, duplication of code,
 having to make security fixes in many places.  Technically, there is
 nothing stopping a proper packaging of the libavcode, with shlib and
 soname bumps as needed, and all relevant packages depending on the
 appropriate -dev package version. The issue here seems to be time
 taken to bring all this into a state that is acceptable. In other
 words, it seems like it would take time to reach a quality of
 implementation that one would like to see in a Debian release.

        At this point, my inclination would be to defer to the
 judgement of the release team as to whether or not this bug is deemed
 RC; especially since this is about a package that has never been in
 a release, and non-inclusion is not a regression.

"There... I've run rings 'round you logically" Monty Python's Flying
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>
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