debian-cd Feb 2011 by thread
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(fwd) Please review content squeeze release announement [] Alexander Reichle-Schmehl
Bug#551951: marked as done (debian-cd: Please make .iso files usable as USB images, via isohybrid) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#603536: marked as done (debian-cd: YDL PowerStation won't boot) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of debian-cd_3.1.5_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
debian-cd_3.1.5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processed: tagging 497471, tagging 507706, tagging 517396, tagging 596986, tagging 605616, tagging 534466 ... Debian Bug Tracking System
debian-squeeze-live-rc2-amd64-xfce-desktop.iso Chris Bell
Bug#612074: debian-cd: provide iso image aligned on usb thumb drive size Yves-Alexis Perez
Move squeeze-rc2 to archive/ on <> Sedat Dilek
New artwork for Squeeze CDs Ulrich Hansen
Bug#612224: debian-cd: Squeeze CDs include tools/win32-loader/unstable/win32-loader.exe (and other suites) Didier Raboud
Re: update of DDP related web pages (phase 1) Martin Zobel-Helas
Bug#420716: Still present Mark Weyer
Debian Vendors URL Upgrade - Distribuicoes Linux Distribuicoes Linux
Re: Debian installer build: failed or old builds Christian PERRIER
Checking the integrity of the Debian DVD Goldin R. Bennet
Debian Lenny amd64 netinst CD Klaus Staerk
Bug#613751: debian-cd should sort sources better to fill CDs/DVDs Steve McIntyre
Re: tracker Steve McIntyre
Processed: Re: Bug#612007: [btrfs-tools] include in install when btrfs is used as a partition Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#610274: Acknowledgement (Fwd: Debian 5.0.4 failure to install) Keith Stracchino
Re: To report a problem with the web site Simon Paillard
Re: Lenny DVD images missing Simon Paillard
[PATCH/RFC] Enable Xen PVHVM installation from ISO Ian Campbell
Bug#614504: Can't install debian 6.0 on a Dell optiplex gx110 Matthieu COUDERT
Bug#614556: menu option advanced>alternative desktops is hidden Richard Paris
Bug#614557: debian-cd: Businesscard images spit "Invalid Release File" George Stephanos
Processed: Re: Bug#614557: debian-cd: Businesscard images spit "Invalid Release File" Debian Bug Tracking System
use debian-cd build cd error Qin Bo
Processed: tagging 612074 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 613751 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 612007 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#537841: debian-cd copies vmlinuz to /install.386 whereas isolinux is configured to fetch it in /install Steve McIntyre
Bug#506489: marked as done (debian-cd: please provide jigdo and list files for netinst and business ISOs) Debian Bug Tracking System
Is the debian-cd have wheezy version in development? Qin Bo
Bug#614921: cdrom: There is no wireless manager included on CD1 Karl F
Corrupted DVDs GeeEl
Bug#489516: Handle arbitrary components Jonathan Hall
Processed: +patch Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#615043: Should not report ERROR for cases that are not important Steve McIntyre
Link Torsten Berger
The last update was on 20:43 GMT Wed May 01. There are 81 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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