debian-cd Feb 2010 by subject

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5.0.4 MD5SUMS surprising Re: amd64 build failures Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha1 images, last tests and announce on friday Applications for CD1 Baixar HTTP Bug#322030: marked as done (Woody CD images deserve to be more visible) Bug#530972: marked as done (debian-cd: bashism in /bin/sh script) Bug#542191: marked as done (cdrom: Broken link in README.html) Bug#568088: cdrom: Debian does not boot right after installation Bug#569247: 5.0.4 missing from Bug#569247: marked as done (5.0.4 missing from Bug#569632: debian-cd: broken isolinux configuration Bug#569632: marked as done (debian-cd: broken isolinux configuration) Bug#569719: cdrom: sparc testing 20100208 will not boot after CD install, stuck at openboot. Bug#570028: debian-cd: poor description of MAXCDS Bug#570028: marked as done (debian-cd: poor description of MAXCDS) Bug#570470: debian-cd: Expose CDNAME in Bug#570470: marked as done (debian-cd: Expose CDNAME in Bug#570474: debian-cd: debootstrap-required from tools/ prints incorrectly Bug#570474: marked as done (debian-cd: debootstrap-required from tools/ prints incorrectly) Bug#570770: Debian Edu squeeze images Bug#570855: debian-cd: Multiple hashes for debian-update-5.0.4-amd64-DVD-1.iso in MD5SUMS and SHA1SUMS Bug#570855: marked as done (debian-cd: Multiple hashes for debian-update-5.0.4-amd64-DVD-1.iso in MD5SUMS and SHA1SUMS) Bug#571591: debian-cd: Move 'log' to the file end not its start debian-cd_3.1.3_i386.changes ACCEPTED domanda mirror-sync and (debian-cd) Processed: merging 556634 316205 Processed: Re: Bug#569719: cdrom: sparc testing 20100208 will not boot after CD install, stuck at openboot. Processed: tagging 556634 Processing of debian-cd_3.1.3_i386.changes Re: Ridiculously large packages The last update was on 16:57 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 52 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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