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Bug#569719: cdrom: sparc testing 20100208 will not boot after CD install, stuck at openboot.

reassign 569719 linux-kernel-di-sparc-2.6 1.49
severity 569719 important

On Saturday 13 February 2010, James Boughton wrote:
> Installation from the three CD's for the Feb 8, 2010 build of sparc
> testing seems to go without a hitch. The problem is that the system will
> not then boot from the hard disk (IDE).

This is a known issue caused by a bug in the 2.6.30 kernel the installer is 
currently using. It will be fixed once we switch to the 2.6.32 kernel for 
the installer.

Please see http://bugs.debian.org/565639 for details. It also mentions a 
way to fix the issue manually.


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