Re: How to make git push quiet? [ Re: d-i repo at dillon ]
Holger Wansing <> wrote:
> Holger Wansing <> wrote:
> > > This morning, I performed a l10n-sync run with my latest modifications, and
> > > it went through so far. But when committing, I had to give username and
> My first run this morning was ok, because there were two files to commit.
> However, when I run it agagin now, it fails on GIT error, because there is
> nothing to commit, and GIT seems to not return cleanly because of some
> untracked files (like .l10n-sync.log).
> I tried to make "git push" quiet with -q, but the error persists.
> What can be done about this?
Some output, how it fails:
- zh_CN
- Merge sublevel PO files into master PO file and update...
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 1...
.......................................................... done.
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 2...
.......................................................... done.
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 3...
............................................................................ done.
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 4...
............. done.
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 5...
........... done.
- zh_TW
- Merge sublevel PO files into master PO file and update...
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 1...
.......................................................... done.
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 2...
.......................................................... done.
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 3...
............................................................................... done.
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 4...
............. done.
- Merge with template.pot for sublevel 5...
.......... done.
Commit all general PO/POT files to GIT... done.
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
nothing added to commit but untracked files present
Error in a GIT operation at packages/po dir, please investigate
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D E B I A N L I N U X 9 " S T R E T C H " .
Registered Linux User #311290 -
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