debian-apache Dec 2006 by thread
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- Bug#401053: apache2: force-reload doesn't take 'runlevels' into account Peter Samuelson
- logrotate can't restart apache2 顾贤杰
- Bug#400981: apache2: MPM-s described as for Apache 2.1 Peter Samuelson
- Bug#399776: apache2: Apache 2.2 spawns lots of processes and freeze the box Andreas Barth
- Bug#400918: apache2 reload produces error Andreas Barth
- Bug#401202: ..error on line 185 in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf? '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' fails. Arnt Karlsen
- Bug#394462: 000-default symlink get's added on upgrade Stefan Fritsch
- upgrade report Stefan Fritsch
- Bug#399808: marked as done (mediawiki1.7: segfaults under php 5.2.0-5) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#400455: apache2.2-common: "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart" can kill apache Stefan Siegel
- касу смелый
- Ritual para el 2007 terapia_natural_tarot_2007
- no more "New Home in Cyperspace" page? Britton Kerin
- Otázka na zasielanie dopytov Marián Slivka -
- Bug#396265: tagging 396265 Andreas Barth
- Bug#396631: reassign 396631 to libapr1, severity of 396631 is serious, tagging 396631 Andreas Barth
- Processed: setting package to apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-doc apache2-mpm-event apache2-mpm-perchild apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-mpm-worker apache2-prefork-dev apache2-src apache2-threaded-dev apache2-utils ... ... ... ... Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#350822: apache2-doc: add Readme on how to browse the docs Uwe Kleine-Koenig
- Bug#341041: apache2-common: no man page for a2ensite Uwe Kleine-Koenig
- SSL certificate for Apache2 in Debian etch Indraveni
- Bug#402166: apache2.2-common: Upgrade removes my web site, replaces it with a page saying "it works" Matthew Wakeling
- Bug#402203: ssl-cert: [INTL:es] Spanish po-debconf translation Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
- About apache2-ssl-certificate script GNUbie
- Bug#396631: NMU uploaded in 48 hours Andreas Barth
- Bug#396265: NMU uploaded in 48h Andreas Barth
- faite gagner des visites a votre site auto surf
- Bug#402399: apache2.2-common upgrade re-enables modules i have disabled Tyler MacDonald
- Bug#402567: apache2: BRF files support Samuel Thibault
- Bug#402569: apache: BRF files support Samuel Thibault
- Bug#398223: Same problem since update to apache 2.2.3 Vivian Steller
- Processing of apr_1.2.7-8.1_amd64.changes Archive Administrator
- apr_1.2.7-8.1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
- Processing of apache2_2.2.3-3.2_amd64.changes Archive Administrator
- Bug#396631: marked as done (Files served have 0 bytes in spite of claims in headers & log) Debian Bug Tracking System
- apache2 override disparity Debian Installer
- apache2_2.2.3-3.2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
- Bug#396265: marked as done (apache2: mod_proxy_ajp connection reuse bug) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#301702: more info on apache2 logrotate Rodrigo Campos
- Helping with mod_perl 2.0.3 Kjetil Kjernsmo
- Bug#397774: apache2.2-common: Support mod_auth_ldap to mod_aunthz_ldap migration. Or at least warn! Markus Hochholdinger
- Bug#396631: Same problem with latest version of apache2/libapr1 H. S. Teoh
- Bug#403134: apache2: does not work with CGI, PHP, Perl, mySQL, etc. Bernd Warken
- apr 1.2.7-8.1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
- Processed: reopening accidentially closed bug report Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#398520: Workaround Olivier Berger
- Bug#398223: apache2-mpm-prefork: Same problem -- apache2 shuts down every week Alessandro Polverini
- Bug#403541: mysql driver missing - closing of #395959 was inappropriate Joachim Zobel
- Bug#395959: APR/MySQL Nick Kew
- apache2 2.2.3-3.2 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
- Bug#403682: apache2.2: FTBFS: /bin/sh: mawk: command not found Aurelien Jarno
- Сайт недорого, быстро, качественно. Скубенко Б.Е.
- Bug#301702: the correct patch Rodrigo Campos
- [bts-link] source package apache2 bts-link-upstream
- Processing of apr_1.2.7-8.2_amd64.changes Archive Administrator
- apr_1.2.7-8.2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
- Bug#396631: NMU uploaded Andreas Barth
- Bug#397886: apache2.2-common: non wanted behaviour during upgrade: charset MUST not be created without user consent Daniel Déchelotte
- Bug#404267: apache-common: mod_proxy segfaults (NULL deref.) when FTP server sends back no spaces Ulf Harnhammar
- apr 1.2.7-8.2 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
- sunday meetingg sitee. Ned
- ПЕРЕЕЗДЫ ~ (495) 797-О2-67 Сергей [495] 797-О2-67 Сергей
- Bug#404558: apache2.conf has Include in wrong place William Ono
- Processed: Re: Bug#404558: apache2.conf has Include in wrong place Debian Bug Tracking System
- 725-13-53 , круглосуточно! Доставка цветов
- Bug#404598: SSL module only configured half Martin Schulze
- Processed: Re: [php-maint] Bug#404348: apache2-common's postinst fails on php5.load Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#404348: [php-maint] Bug#404348: apache2-common's postinst fails on php5.load Eduard Bloch
- Bug#396819: marked as done (apache2.2: Generates enormous load after some hours) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#395823: working script and missing configuration file Stefano Zacchiroli
- Bug#400918: downgrading to important Andreas Barth
- утеря колин
- Trouble with apt-get Darryl Smith
- Bug#398223: Posible cause: logrotate/cron Thanatermesis - Elive
- At weep he upholstery Patty Logan
- neat inccest moviies! Traci
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