debian-68k Aug 2015 by thread
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Bug#780430: qtwebkit-opensource-src: port to m68k Thorsten Glaser
Re: Log for attempted build of afflib_3.7.6-4 on m68k (dist=unstable) Eriberto
Bug#794964: gettext: must redo libstdc++ ABI transition because not done right Thorsten Glaser
Re: Debian/Linux on Atari TT Eero Tamminen
Bof for 32bit architectures on Thursday, 14-15 at Debconf Andreas Barth
Current Debian m68k in Amiga Carlos Milán Figueredo
Re: [Debian-ports-devel] Using on buildds John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
The last update was on 13:35 GMT Tue Jun 04. There are 61 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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