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Re: Buying less than 100 % food in HD

also sprach Christian T. Steigies <cts@debian.org> [2014-04-10 22:29 +0200]:
> > You assume wrong. Either the person attends sponsored, then we pay
> > the food; or the person attends after paying professional or
> > corporate registration to us, and then we pay the food.
> But somebody else gives us money for the food, shouldn't the money we save
> go back to those people? Not that I expect anybody to reclaim this.

The money is not for food, but for attendance, really.

> So food stamps it is. But it seems we need to find out first how many
> external people will eat at the venue, since this may bring the numbers
> above 100%, even if some people decide to eat outside. And then what?

If we tell them in advance, there is no problem.

> Maybe there can be some kind of trading system where non-eaters
> can trade their tickets with externals (via the reception so the
> extra money goes to debconf)? This would limit the number of
> attendants to <= 100%, but if you want to stay below 100% people
> need to announce beforehand that they are not going to eat.
> I think this would be difficult.

This is what marga is talking about and it would be our front desk
handling it.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o>      Related projects:
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