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Re: Buying less than 100 % food in HD

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 09:29:17PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Christian T. Steigies <cts@debian.org> [2014-04-10 21:03 +0200]:
> > I don't understand why "we" are paying the meal. Either they have sponsored
> > food, so the sponsor pays for the food, or they pay for themselves, for the
> > whole time they attend, I assume?
> You assume wrong. Either the person attends sponsored, then we pay
> the food; or the person attends after paying professional or
> corporate registration to us, and then we pay the food.

But somebody else gives us money for the food, shouldn't the money we save
go back to those people? Not that I expect anybody to reclaim this.

> All money
> between attendees who sleep at the venue will go through us. Only
> external people pay themselves, and we want to keep those down to
> a minimum.

So food stamps it is. But it seems we need to find out first how many
external people will eat at the venue, since this may bring the numbers
above 100%, even if some people decide to eat outside. And then what?
Maybe there can be some kind of trading system where non-eaters can trade
their tickets with externals (via the reception so the extra money goes to
debconf)? This would limit the number of attendants to <= 100%, but if you
want to stay below 100% people need to announce beforehand that they are not
going to eat. I think this would be difficult.


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