debian-wnpp May 2018 by subject

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au 01 76 24 30 81 Bug#168591: marked as done (ITP: libdsk -- a library for accessing disks and disk images) Re: Bug#253796: RFA: bfm -- system load dockapp with a duck Bug#258096: Alerta de correo Bug#258096: Aviso por correo electrónico Bug#429577: #429577: ITP: emacs-snapshot -- The GNU Emacs editor (development snapshot) Bug#461486: RFP: luxcorerender -- physically based and unbiased rendering engine Bug#542857: marked as done (RFP: ocaml-r -- OCaml binding for the R interpreter) Bug#556440: marked as done (RFP: tuxcmd-modules-unrar -- unrar VFS module for tuxcmd file manager) Bug#560088: ITP: python-portio -- low level port I/O for Linux Bug#585580: marked as done (RFP: nautilus-ideviceinfo -- nautilus extension showing extended Idevice (Iphone/Ipod/Ipad) information) Bug#590135: marked as done (RFP: php-text-diff -- Engine for performing and) Bug#600779: pycam: changing from RFP to ITP Bug#602113: marked as done (ITP: spglib -- C library for crystal symmetry determination) Bug#602977: marked as done (RFP: opal-compiler -- Opal Compilation System) Bug#605503: marked as done (RFP: torrent-episode-downloader -- Torrent Episode Downloader) Bug#609097: marked as done (RFP: scannedonly -- scalable samba anti-virus module) Bug#622239: marked as done (RFP: python-iview -- alternative frontend to ABC iView) Bug#641448: marked as done (RFP: bio-formats -- Solution for reading proprietary microscopy image data and metadata) Bug#645467: ITP: autodeb -- automated debianization tool Bug#645467: marked as done (ITP: autodeb -- automated package builds, tests and upgrades) Bug#646811: marked as done (RFP: clooj -- lightweight IDE for clojure) Bug#646853: marked as done (RFP: micromanager -- Microscopy Software) Bug#648017: marked as done (RFP: local-file -- small clojure library) Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it)) Bug#659069: RFP: retroshare -- Friend-to-friend network client for secure messaging and file exchange Bug#669917: marked as done (RFP: soap2 -- SOAPaligner of short next generation sequencing data) Bug#673182: marked as done (RFP: pscan-tfbs -- finds overrepresented transcription factor binding sites) Bug#674135: marked as done (ITP: spglib -- C library for crystal symmetry determination) Bug#675033: ITP: kgraphviewer -- KGraphViewer is a GraphViz dot graph viewer for KDE 5. Bug#678868: marked as done (O: skinedit -- skin editor for TiEmu) Bug#678873: marked as done (O: tfdocgen -- TiLP framework documentation generator) Bug#690874: RFP: hibiscus -- Please add jameica/hibiscus for homebanking Bug#691824: marked as done (O: unmass -- Extract game archive files) Bug#697942: marked as done (RFP: libapp-prereqgrapher-perl -- generate dependency graph using Perl::PrereqScanner) Bug#702564: marked as done (RFP: graphtea -- GraphTea is a software framework to work on graphs) Bug#702986: marked as done (RFP: qgis-edugeo -- access the IGN geographical data) Bug#703505: marked as done (RFP: biopp -- ('omics' components) The Bio++ libraries for Bioinformatics) Bug#704010: marked as done (ITA: libdca -- decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams) Bug#704186: marked as done (RFP: jgoogleanalyticstracker -- lightweight Java library for tracking your Java application with Google Analytics) Bug#704622: marked as done (RFP: mrnet -- multicast/reduction network) Bug#704747: marked as done (RFP: hidclient -- Virtual Bluetooth keyboard and mouse) Bug#706711: ITA: openmx -- package for nano-scale material simulations Bug#706711: marked as done (O: openmx -- package for nano-scale material simulations) Bug#718032: ITP: roccat-tools -- Drivers for roccat devices Bug#719794: marked as done (O: update-inetd -- inetd configuration file updater) Bug#721086: ITP: minetest-mod-plantlife -- Minetest mod - Plantlife Bug#721200: ITP: minetest-mod-moretrees -- Minetest mod - more trees Bug#722309: ITP: minetest-mod-itemdrop -- Minetest mod - Item Drop Bug#732011: O: gyrus -- GNOME tool for Cyrus-IMAP servers administration Bug#735505: ITP: iiu -- iiu (is it up?) is a command line tool that checks if a website is up Bug#739860: marked as done (ITP: libtoxcore -- easy to use all-in-one communication) Bug#743404: [Enigmail] avoiding openpgp.js for enigmail in debian Bug#763321: Kiwix Desktop 2 Bug#766132: ITP: python-versioneer -- version-string management for VCS-controlled trees Bug#767874: RFH: ejabberd -- distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server written in Erlang Bug#768073: ITP: lxd - The Linux Container Daemon Bug#782654: Bug#838416: Bug#782654: Bug#838416: ITP: bazel -- Fast and correct automated build system by Google Bug#784764: RFP: cataclysm-dda -- post-apocalyptic roguelike game Bug#785048: marked as done (ITP: python-pyramid-chameleon -- Chameleon templating addon for the Pyramid web application framework) Bug#787774: giving up on packaging OpenPGP.js Bug#790814: evaluating Kanboard for mentoring Bug#799626: RFP: beancount -- command line double-entry bookkeeping system Bug#801202: marked as done (RFP: node-underscore.string -- string manipulation helpers for javascript) Bug#814867: InChI license Bug#819389: marked as done (RFP: r-cran-bh -- GNU R package with Boost headers) Bug#820614: marked as done (ITP: vuls -- package inventory scanner for CVE vulnerabilities) Bug#823037: ITP: flatbuffers -- efficient cross platform serialization library Bug#823556: Package repository at Salsa Bug#825980: marked as done (ITP: elpa-elpy -- Emacs Python Development Environment) Bug#828919: O: omnievents -- omniORB event service Bug#829257: RFP: ndctl -- NVDIMM management utility Bug#832161: can't run Bug#833397: RFP: commix -- Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool Bug#838074: ITA: bindgraph -- DNS statistics RRDtool frontend for BIND9 Bug#838416: Bug#782654: Bug#838416: ITP: bazel -- Fast and correct automated build system by Google Bug#838633: O: dia-shapes -- Diagram editor Bug#839644: marked as done (RFP: gitless -- version control system on top of Git) Bug#839975: Bug#899766: ivtv-utils: Invalid maintainer address Bug#840791: marked as done (RFP: ros-robot-state-publisher -- publish the state of a robot to tf) Bug#841404: marked as done (RFP: PyMuPDF -- python binding for mupdf) Bug#842557: ITA: binclock - binary clock for console with color support Bug#843185: marked as done (RFP: aravis -- A vision library for genicam based cameras) Bug#847766: marked as done (RFP: calamares-settings-debian -- Calamares settings for installing a default Debian system) Bug#849267: ITP: mate-equake-applet -- Mate panel applet which monitors earthquakes Bug#849327: marked as done (ITP: mwic -- spell-checker that groups possible misspellings and shows them in their contexts) Bug#850644: RFP: guix -- A functional package manager based on Scheme Bug#854439: status update Bug#854902: Bug#855597: libnlopt-cxx-dev is in new now Bug#859130: watch file Bug#860092: marked as done (RFP: morty -- web content sanitizer proxy) Bug#861174: marked as done (ITP: elpa-elpy -- Emacs Python Development Environment) Bug#861214: marked as done (ITP: elpa-smart-mode-line -- A powerful and beautiful mode-line for Emacs) Bug#862313: marked as done (ITP: libpsm2 -- PSM2 runtime, dev and compatibility libraries for Intel Omni-Path) Bug#863782: ITA: google-perftools -- libraries for CPU and heap analysis, plus an efficient thread-caching malloc' from 'O: google-perftools -- libraries for CPU and heap analysis, plus an efficient thread-caching malloc Bug#863782: marked as done (ITA: google-perftools -- libraries for CPU and heap analysis, plus an efficient thread-caching malloc) Bug#863985: status update Bug#864355: marked as done (ITP: cod-tools -- tools for manipulation of Crystallographic Information Format v1.1 and v2.0 files) Bug#865784: marked as done (ITP: gigalomania -- Mega-Lo-Mania-like god game) Bug#867749: I will adopt this package Bug#868013: marked as done (ITP: dh-fortran-mod -- debhelper add-on to handle Fortran '.mod' files) Bug#869114: status of the topkg package Bug#869301: marked as done (O: efp -- Escape from Pong NES game) Bug#869421: marked as done (ITP: stlink -- STM32 stlink programmer tools) Bug#871043: marked as done (ITP: ffgo -- a launcher for flightgear) Bug#873296: ITP: minetest-mod-xdecor -- Lightweight decoration module for minetest Bug#873464: WIP Bug#873847: marked as done (ITP: libbroad-barclay-java -- Command line argument parsing and documentation generation) Bug#874315: marked as done (ITP: simulide -- real time electronic circuit simulator) Bug#875290: marked as done (ITP: ruby-erubi -- small ERB implementation) Bug#875722: ITP: ert-runner -- Opinionated Ert testing workflow Bug#875724: ITP: elpa-commander -- Command line parsing for Emacs Bug#875935: marked as done (ITP: minetest-mod-infinite-chest -- Minetest module to get chests with an infinite number of slots) Bug#876513: marked as done (ITP: node-webpack-bundle-analyzer -- represent bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap) Bug#877871: RFP: pyside2 -- Python bindings for Qt5 Bug#878876: marked as done (ITP: php-ratchet -- PHP library for asynchronously serving WebSockets) Bug#878877: marked as done (ITP: php-react-http -- Event-driven, streaming plaintext HTTP and secure HTTPS server for ReactPHP) Bug#878879: marked as done (ITP: php-respect-validation -- validation engine for PHP) Bug#878882: marked as done (ITP: php-cocur-slugify -- Converts a string to a slug) Bug#878885: marked as done (ITP: php-fig-cookies -- Cookies for PSR-7 HTTP Message Interface) Bug#878886: marked as done (ITP: php-encryption -- Simple Encryption in PHP) Bug#878887: marked as done (ITP: php-react-child-process -- Library for executing child processes) Bug#879481: status update Bug#879741: RFH: phpmyadmin -- MySQL web administration tool Bug#880061: status update Bug#880065: capture-stream: why do we need this ? Bug#880457: status update Bug#880606: marked as done (ITP: imenu-list -- show the current Emacs buffer's imenu entries in a separate window) Bug#880641: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-obuild -- simple package build system for ocaml) Bug#881159: status update Bug#881230: status update Bug#881233: status update Bug#881234: status update Bug#881237: status update Bug#881244: status update Bug#881325: status update Bug#881459: marked as done (ITP: obsidian-icon-theme -- Obsidian icon theme) Bug#881944: waiting upstream Bug#882090: Updated packaging Bug#882399: marked as done (ITP: spglib -- C library for crystal symmetry determination) Bug#882429: marked as done (ITP: ruby-cucumber-expressions -- Cucumber Expressions for Ruby) Bug#882761: marked as done (ITP: opencascade -- Open CASCADE Technology is a suite for 3D surface and solid modeling) Bug#882857: O: python-mplexporter -- general matplotlib exporter Bug#882870: O: python-odoorpc -- pilot Odoo servers through RPC Bug#883798: status update Bug#884253: GPXsee package Bug#884308: status update Bug#884363: marked as done (ITP: bolt -- Thunderbolt 3 security system daemon) Bug#884398: status update Bug#884739: O: python-restless -- lightweight REST miniframework for Python Bug#884797: ITP: anbox -- Run Android applications on any GNU/Linux operating system Bug#885165: status update Bug#885315: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-influxdata-yarpc -- Yet Another RPC for Go) Bug#885774: marked as done (ITP: tpm2-abrmd -- TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Management Daemon) Bug#885900: status update Bug#885978: status update Bug#886404: status update Bug#886411: status update Bug#886786: marked as done (ITP: python-jsonhyperschema-codec -- A JSON Hyperschema codec for Core API.) Bug#886865: marked as done (ITP: nlohmann-json3 -- JSON for Modern C++) Bug#887141: status update Bug#887167: status update Bug#887363: status update Bug#887490: backuppc 4+ help Bug#887605: status update Bug#888233: ITA: ujson -- ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 2/3 Bug#888279: status update Bug#888428: dablin recommends eti-stuff instead of dabtools Bug#888825: status update Bug#888826: status update Bug#888827: status update Bug#888848: marked as done (ITP: wlroots -- Modular wayland compositor library) Bug#888870: marked as done (ITP: astropy-healpix -- BSD-licensed HEALPix for Astropy) Bug#889095: Haikunator Bug#889469: Package on Mentors Bug#890328: [Pkg-privacy-maintainers] pdf-redact-tools Bug#890328: marked as done (RFH: pdf-redact-tools -- PDF Redact Tools helps with securely redacting and stripping) Bug#890328: pdf-redact-tools Bug#890328: RFH: pdf-redact-tools -- PDF Redact Tools helps with securely redacting and stripping Bug#890420: marked as done (ITP: goodvibes -- A lightweight radio player for GNU/Linux) Bug#890778: RFP: plasma-browser-integration -- Components necessary to integrate browsers into the Plasma Desktop. Bug#890903: marked as done (ITP: node-acorn-node -- acorn for browserify context) Bug#891052: marked as done (ITP: spirv-headers -- machine-readable files for the SPIR-V Registry) Bug#891318: marked as done (O: tellico -- Collection manager for books, videos, music, etc) Bug#891353: O: email2trac -- Creates and amends Trac tickets from e-mail Bug#891354: O: trac-spamfilter -- Spam-prevention plugin for Trac Bug#891475: marked as done (ITP: ssh-tools -- collection of various tools using ssh) Bug#891710: status update Bug#891711: status update Bug#891729: status update Bug#891779: ITP: ephoto -- A Comprehensive Image Viewer Using EFL Bug#891779: marked as done (ITP: ephoto -- A Comprehensive Image Viewer Using EFL) Bug#891816: status update Bug#892055: marked as done (ITP: keepass2-plugin-keepasshttp -- KeePass plugin to expose password entries securely over HTTP) Bug#892284: marked as done (ITP: ChromHMM -- Chromatin state discovery and characterization) Bug#892412: O: rabbitvcs -- Easy version control Bug#892414: O: trac-bitten -- continuous integration plugin for Trac Bug#892416: marked as done (ITP: opam-file-format -- Parser and printer for the opam file syntax) Bug#892424: marked as done (ITP: uhubctl -- USB hub per-port power control) Bug#892476: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-aplpack -- Another Plot PACKage: stem.leaf, bagplot, faces, spin3R and others) Bug#892482: delayed Bug#892498: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-samr -- GNU R significance analysis of microarrays) Bug#892522: marked as done (ITP: r-bioc-bitseq -- transcript expression inference and analysis for RNA-seq data) Bug#892604: O: node-cssstyle -- CSSStyleDeclaration Object Model implementation Bug#892605: O: node-entities -- Encode and decode XML/HTML entities with ease Bug#892607: O: node-nwmatcher -- CSS3-compliant JavaScript selector engine Bug#893045: marked as done (ITP: mwic -- spell-checker that groups possible misspellings and shows them in their contexts) Bug#893095: marked as done (ITP: python3-vitrage -- OpenStack RCA as a Service - Python libs) Bug#893127: marked as done (ITP: ruby-minitest-focus -- provides ability to focus on a few tests easily) Bug#893305: marked as done (ITP: ruby-rollout -- provides feature flags based on Redis) Bug#893334: marked as done (ITP: ruby-statsd -- StatsD client for Ruby) Bug#893338: marked as done (ITP: python-sexpdata -- S-expression parser) Bug#893428: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-facebookgo-pidfile -- Package pidfile manages pid files.) Bug#893551: marked as done ([ITP] listserialportsc) Bug#893718: blocked Bug#893766: marked as done (ITP wig -- WebApp Information Gatherer) Bug#893772: marked as done (ITP: apertium-separable -- Reordering separable/discontiguous multiwords) Bug#893827: marked as done (ITP: bioSyntax -- Syntax highlighting for computational biology) Bug#893856: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-gmm -- GNU R generalized method of moments and generalized empirical likelihood) Bug#893857: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-tmvtnorm -- GNU R truncated multivariate normal and student t distribution) Bug#893859: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ucminf -- GNU R general-purpose unconstrained non-linear optimization) Bug#893871: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ei -- GNU R ecological inference) Bug#893872: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-zeligei -- GNU R zelig ecological inference models) Bug#893877: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-zeligverse -- GNU R easily install and load stable zelig packages) Bug#894031: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-multcompview -- GNU R visualizations of paired comparisons) Bug#894068: marked as done (ocrmypdf: New dependency on PyMuPDF for v6.0.0) Bug#894068: ocrmypdf: New dependency on PyMuPDF for v6.0.0 Bug#894148: O: python-pyld -- implementation of the JSON-LD API Bug#894152: O: trac-codecomments -- code comments and review plugin for Trac Bug#894291: marked as done (ITP: python-inifile -- A small INI library for Python) Bug#894304: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-manipulatewidgets -- GNU R package for more interactivity in interactive charts) Bug#894633: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-openxlsx -- GNU R package for XLSX files) Bug#894696: marked as done (ITP: nagios4 -- A host/service/network monitoring and management system) Bug#894865: Bug#896714: Bug#894865: RFS: cavestory-nx/1.0.0-1 [ITP] -- NXEngine is a Cave Story game engine clone Bug#894865: RFS: cavestory-nx/1.0.0-1 [ITP] -- NXEngine is a Cave Story game engine clone Bug#894899: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-mda -- GNU R mixture and flexible discriminant analysis) Bug#895010: ITP: magit-popup -- magit-popup is an emacs interface to set option to call emacs-command or even shell-command Bug#895062: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-smartystreets-gunit -- xUnit-style test fixture adapter for go test) Bug#895113: marked as done (ITP: ruby-process-daemon -- Provides standard operations) Bug#895173: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-howeyc-fsnotify -- File system notifications for Go) Bug#895295: marked as done (ITP: td-watson -- A wonderful CLI to track your time) Bug#895343: marked as done (ITP: smenu -- curse-based CLI selection box) Bug#895424: marked as done (RFA: ocsinventory-server -- Hardware and software inventory tool (Communication Server)) Bug#895430: ITP: profanity-omemo -- OMEMO encryption for the Profanity XMPP client Bug#895509: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-dorng -- GNU R generic reproducible parallel backend for 'foreach' loops) Bug#895523: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-magic -- GNU R create and investigate magic squares) Bug#895584: ITP: ell -- Embedded Linux library Bug#895679: marked as done (ITP: volatildap -- Temporary slapd launcher for testing purposes) Bug#895740: marked as done (ITP: fasta3 -- tools for searching collections of biological sequences) Bug#895753: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-k-sone-critbitgo -- crit-bit for golang and its applications (sorted map, IP routing table)) Bug#895785: marked as done (ITA: impacket -- Python module to easily build and) Bug#895785: RFA: impacket -- Python module to easily build and dissect network protocols Bug#895785: RFS: impacket/0.9.15-5 [ITA] Bug#895787: RFA: pcapy -- Python interface to the libpcap packet capture library Bug#895891: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-vimeo-go-magic -- Go bindings for libmagic) Bug#895928: marked as done (ITP: python-base58 -- base58 encode/decode for Python) Bug#895948: marked as done (ITP: detachtty -- Utility to connect to detached interactive programs) Bug#896026: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-ar1 -- Arabic male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896027: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-ar2 -- Arabic male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896028: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-bz1 -- Breton female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896029: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-ca1 -- Canadian French male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896030: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-ca2 -- Canadian French male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896031: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-cn1 -- Chinese female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896032: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-cz1 -- Czech female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896033: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-de8 -- German-Bavarian male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896034: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-es3 -- Spanish female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896035: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-es4 -- Spanish male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896036: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-fr2 -- French female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896037: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-fr3 -- French male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896038: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-fr5 -- French Belgian male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896039: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-fr6 -- French male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896040: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-fr7 -- French Belgian male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896041: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-hb1 -- Hebrew male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896042: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-hb2 -- Hebrew female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896043: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-hn1 -- Korean male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896044: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-in1 -- Hindi male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896045: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-in2 -- Hindi female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896046: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-it1 -- Italian male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896047: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-it2 -- Italian female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896048: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-jp1 -- Japanese male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896049: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-jp2 -- Japanese female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896050: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-jp3 -- Japanese female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896051: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-ma1 -- Malay female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896052: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-nl1 -- Dutch male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896053: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-nl3 -- Dutch female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896054: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-nz1 -- Maori male voice for Mbrola) Bug#896055: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-tl1 -- Telugu female voice for Mbrola) Bug#896142: marked as done (ITP: ChromImpute -- Large-scale systematic epigenome imputation) Bug#896157: marked as done (ITP: oca-core -- Odoo's Community Association Version of Odoo) Bug#896466: marked as done (ITP: dune -- composable build system for OCaml projects) Bug#896669: marked as done (ITP: astropy-regions -- A Python astronomy package region handling) Bug#896691: closing 896691 Bug#896693: marked as done (ITA: pgtop - PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool akin to top) Bug#896712: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-dataence-porter2 -- Native Go English Porter2 stemmer) Bug#896770: marked as done (ITP: dired-rsync -- support for rsync from Emacs dired buffers) Bug#896862: marked as done (ITP: ruby-ed25519 -- efficient digital signature library providing the Ed25519 algorithm) Bug#896868: marked as done (ITP: starjava-dpac -- Java classes to process GAIA data) Bug#896871: marked as done (ITP: orca-sops -- simple orca plugin system) Bug#896892: marked as done (ITP: feature-check -- tool to query a program for supported features) Bug#896966: marked as done (ITP: molecfit --Correcting Observations for Telluric Absorption) Bug#896980: marked as done (ITP: gemma -- Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association) Bug#896993: marked as done (ITP: python-cmarkgfm -- GitHub-flavored Markdown renderer Python bindings) Bug#897011: marked as done (ITP: ruby-geoip -- Tool to search IP address according to Geoip database) Bug#897030: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-later -- GNU R utilities for delaying function execution) Bug#897033: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-promises -- GNU R abstractions for promise-based asynchronous programming) Bug#897037: marked as done (ITP: grabix -- tool for random access into BGZF files) Bug#897058: marked as done (ITP: libocxl -- library to implement a userspace driver for OpenCAPI accelerators) Bug#897138: O: anacron -- cron-like program that doesn't go by time Bug#897164: marked as done (ITA: xye -- puzzle game - get all the gems in the room) Bug#897240: marked as done (ITP: ruby-googleapis-common-protos-types -- Common protocol buffer types used by Google APIs) Bug#897245: ITP: wlroots -- modular Wayland compositor library Bug#897245: marked as done (ITP: wlroots -- modular Wayland compositor library) Bug#897282: ITP: bson.js -- JavaScript binary JSON implementation Bug#897285: O: antigrav -- Multiplayer flying saucer racing game Bug#897286: O: ctioga2 Bug#897290: O: gimp-dds Bug#897291: O: gitstats -- statistics generator for git repositories Bug#897294: O: jalview Bug#897295: O: java-wrappers -- wrappers for java executables Bug#897296: O: jclassinfo Bug#897297: O: libjaba-client-java Bug#897298: O: libjfreechart-java Bug#897299: O: libjswingreader-java Bug#897300: O: libvamsas-client-java Bug#897304: O: pmount -- mount removable devices as normal user Bug#897306: O: ruby-maruku Bug#897307: O: ruby-rmagick -- ImageMagick API for Ruby Bug#897308: O: ruby-setup -- the setup.rb install tool for Ruby Bug#897309: O: ruby-tioga -- Ruby library for scientific graphs Bug#897310: O: scalc -- simple/symbolic calculation library (development files) Bug#897311: O: statcvs Bug#897312: O: statsvn Bug#897313: O: xml-commons-external -- XML Commons external code - DOM, SAX, and JAXP, etc Bug#897315: ITA: yaml-mode -- emacs mode for YAML files Bug#897315: O: yaml-mode -- emacs mode for YAML files Bug#897317: ITP: python-pygtrie -- A Python library implementing a trie data structure Bug#897336: ITP: super-csv -- CSV library for Java Bug#897336: marked as done (ITP: super-csv -- CSV library for Java) Bug#897337: ITP: mckoisqldb -- Mckoi SQL Database System written in Java Bug#897347: ITP: maven-jaxb2-plugin -- JAXB2 Maven Plugin for XML Schema compilation Bug#897347: marked as done (ITP: maven-jaxb2-plugin -- JAXB2 Maven Plugin for XML Schema compilation) Bug#897349: ITP: sql-parser -- validating SQL lexer and parser with a focus on MySQL dialect Bug#897350: ITP: motranslator -- Translation API for PHP using Gettext MO files Bug#897361: ITP: node-mongodb-core -- low level part of the 2.0 or higher MongoDB driver Bug#897365: ITP: obantoo -- OBanToo is a Java library with banking tools Bug#897365: marked as done (ITP: obantoo -- OBanToo is a Java library with banking tools) Bug#897367: ITP: jameica-util -- utility classes for Jameica - Java library Bug#897367: marked as done (ITP: jameica-util -- utility classes for Jameica - Java library) Bug#897370: ITP: jameica-datasource -- OR mapper for Jameica - Java library Bug#897370: marked as done (ITP: jameica-datasource -- OR mapper for Jameica - Java library) Bug#897371: ITP: hbci4java -- Java online banking client using the HBCI standard Bug#897372: ITP: jameica -- Runtime environment for Java applications like Hibiscus Bug#897396: ITP: apertium-streamparser -- Python library to parse Apertium stream format Bug#897396: marked as done (ITP: apertium-streamparser -- Python library to parse Apertium stream format) Bug#897399: ITP: node-require-optional -- Node.js module to manage optional peer dependencies Bug#897400: ITP: cftime -- Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python Bug#897400: marked as done (ITP: cftime -- Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python) Bug#897413: ITP: tempest-horizon -- OpenStack Integration Test Suite - Horizon plugin Bug#897413: marked as done (ITP: tempest-horizon -- OpenStack Integration Test Suite - Horizon plugin) Bug#897419: ITP: python-typeguard -- Run-time type checker for Python Bug#897419: marked as done (ITP: python-typeguard -- Run-time type checker for Python) Bug#897433: ITP: uniform -- system-wide unified form Bug#897441: ITP: amos -- modular whole genome assembler Bug#897448: ITP: golang-github-rwcarlsen-goexif -- Decode embedded EXIF meta data from image files. Bug#897448: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-rwcarlsen-goexif -- Decode embedded EXIF meta data from image files.) Bug#897562: O: file-kanji -- kanji code checker Bug#897563: O: sl -- Correct you if you type `sl' by mistake Bug#897571: ITP: deepin-editor -- simple editor for DDE Bug#897584: ITP: ruby-marcel -- Simple mime type detection Bug#897610: ITP: gatk-native-bindings Bug#897610: marked as done (ITP: gatk-native-bindings) Bug#897614: ITP: gkl Bug#897628: ITP: gobuster -- Directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go Bug#897628: marked as done (ITP: gobuster -- Directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go) Bug#897633: ITP: bolt -- system daemon to manage thunderbolt 3 devices Bug#897633: marked as done (ITP: bolt -- system daemon to manage thunderbolt 3 devices) Bug#897637: ITP: networking-bgpvpn -- OpenStack virtual network service - BGP VPN Bug#897637: marked as done (ITP: networking-bgpvpn -- OpenStack virtual network service - BGP VPN) Bug#897648: ITP: networking-bagpipe -- OpenStack virtual network service - BGP-based VPN Bug#897672: #897672 ITP: python-pyfftw -- a pythonic wrapper around FFTW Bug#897672: ITP: python-pyfftw -- a pythonic wrapper around FFTW, the speedy FFT library Bug#897672: marked as done (ITP: python-pyfftw -- a pythonic wrapper around FFTW, the speedy FFT library) Bug#897673: ITP: coot -- model building program for macromolecular crystallography Bug#897683: RFA: postfixadmin -- Virtual mail hosting interface for Postfix Bug#897688: [Pkg-pascal-devel] Bug#897688: RFP: tomboy-ng -- simple note-taking application Bug#897688: RFP: tomboy-ng -- simple note-taking application Bug#897900: ITP: node-turbolinks -- Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster Bug#897900: marked as done (ITP: node-turbolinks -- Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster) Bug#897903: ITP: soapsnp -- resequencing utility that can assemble consensus sequence of genomes Bug#897903: marked as done (ITP: soapsnp -- resequencing utility that can assemble consensus sequence of genomes) Bug#897907: ITP: hashcheck -- verifies the files on a live mounted ISO image Bug#897907: marked as done (ITP: hashcheck -- verifies the files on a live mounted ISO image) Bug#897908: ITP: soapaligner -- aligner of short reads of next generation sequencers Bug#897908: marked as done (ITP: soapaligner -- aligner of short reads of next generation sequencers) Bug#897977: ITP: ruby-turbolinks-source -- Provides Turbolinks as a ruby gem Bug#897985: ITP: ruby-bootsnap -- Boot large ruby/rails apps faster Bug#897989: ITP: braceexpand -- Bash-style brace expansion for Python Bug#897989: marked as done (ITP: braceexpand -- Bash-style brace expansion for Python) Bug#897991: ITP: ruby-omniauth-jwt -- JWT is a simple way to send verified information between two parties online. Bug#897992: ITP: ruby-bindex -- Bindings for your Ruby exceptions Bug#897998: ITP: libcatmandu-xls-perl -- modules for working with Excel files within the Catmandu framework Bug#897998: marked as done (ITP: libcatmandu-xls-perl -- modules for working with Excel files within the Catmandu framework) Bug#898012: RFA: xsd -- XML Data Binding for C++ Bug#898027: marked as done (RFP: python-flask-cache -- Adds cache support to your Flask application) Bug#898027: RFP: python-flask-cache -- Adds cache support to your Flask application Bug#898028: RFP: python-flask-assets -- Flask webassets integration. Bug#898029: marked as done (RFP: python-ghdiff -- Generate unified diffs with Github-style HTML/CSS.) Bug#898029: RFP: python-ghdiff -- Generate unified diffs with Github-style HTML/CSS. Bug#898059: ITP: r-cran-rappdirs -- GNU R application directories Bug#898059: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-rappdirs -- GNU R application directories) Bug#898061: ITP: r-cran-base64url -- GNU R fast and URL-safe Base64 encoder and decoder Bug#898063: ITP: r-cran-batchtools -- GNU R tools for computation on batch systems Bug#898069: asd Bug#898069: marked as done (ITP: python-fast-histogram -- Fast 1D and 2D histogram functions in Python) Bug#898071: ITP: foundationdb -- distributed, transactional, key-value store Bug#898072: ITP: mpl-scatter-density -- Fast scatter density plots for Matplotlib Bug#898072: marked as done (ITP: mpl-scatter-density -- Fast scatter density plots for Matplotlib) Bug#898078: O: zbar Bug#898095: ITP: node-syslog-client -- pure JavaScript implementation of Syslog protocol Bug#898110: O: lighttpd -- fast webserver with minimal memory footprint Bug#898118: ITP: pscan-chip -- ChIP-based identifcation of TF binding sites Bug#898118: marked as done (ITP: pscan-chip -- ChIP-based identifcation of TF binding sites) Bug#898123: ITP: ruby-websocket -- Universal Ruby library to handle WebSocket protocol Bug#898123: marked as done (ITP: ruby-websocket -- Universal Ruby library to handle WebSocket protocol) Bug#898124: ITP: hackersh -- a shell with built in security commands Bug#898139: ITP: octave-bsltl -- biospeckle laser tool library for Octave Bug#898144: ITP: gnome-shell-extension-appindicator -- AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem support for GNOME Shell Bug#898144: marked as done (ITP: gnome-shell-extension-appindicator -- AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem support for GNOME Shell) Bug#898152: ITP: berrynet -- deep learning gateway Bug#898153: ITP: octave-cgi -- Common Gateway Interface for Octave Bug#898156: ITP: neutron-fwaas-dashboard -- OpenStack Firewall as a Service - dashboard plugin Bug#898156: marked as done (ITP: neutron-fwaas-dashboard -- OpenStack Firewall as a Service - dashboard plugin) Bug#898169: ITP: libpam-freerdp2 -- PAM Module to check credentials against RDP servers Bug#898169: marked as done (ITP: libpam-freerdp2 -- PAM Module to check credentials against RDP servers) The last update was on 06:22 GMT Sat Jun 29. 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