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01/19-Activation email--81007 ミルキーウェイ登録完了 口の堅い人ですよね? =?unknown?b?ztzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3MfV?= Re: Re: Additional Info Adobe Boundle Soft. for $120 bux and many more here Application Approved Believe me when I say, I feel your pain Bug#116937: marked as done (ITP: lkcd -- Dumps kernel crash information to disk on system crash) Bug#138190: marked as done (ITP: mozilla-enigmail -- GPG extension for mozilla) Bug#140985: marked as done (ITP: rbot -- IRC bot written in ruby) Bug#141611: cfg2html license Bug#146460: Remove turbine? Bug#146462: RFP: cocoon2 -- web development framework (was: Re: ITP: cacoon2) Bug#148319: Retract ITP of unreal-ircd Bug#149826: marked as done (ITP: gnewtellium -- A simple GTK+ Gnutella client for MP3 sharing) Bug#150636: ITP: ncbi-tools++0 Bug#151808: [ Re: ITP: opencm] Bug#154457: ITP: axkit-plugin-session Bug#154500: marked as done (ITP: gqradio -- A simple X radio application.) Bug#155633: marked as done (ITP: circle -- Distributed ("peer-to-peer") chat, file sharing, etc system) Bug#155898: marked as done (ITP: guardian -- active firewall to work with snort) Bug#160706: RFP: buildd -- Debian package build daemon Bug#163063: marked as done (ITP: amphetadesk -- a syndicated news aggregator) Bug#163401: marked as done (ITP: dazuko -- module for 3rd party file access control) Bug#164116: marked as done (ITP: uebimiau -- A simple yet efficient WebMail system written in PHP) Bug#164745: marked as done (ITP: mauve -- free test suite for the Java Class Libraries) Bug#166167: Status? Bug#166167: Taking over Bug#167407: cddbd-Debian-Package Bug#167891: marked as done (ITP: nws -- Network Weather Service, monitoring tool for grid platform) Bug#171597: New upstream version packaged Bug#171688: marked as done (ITP: lazy -- A console-based CD player with digital audio extraction support) Bug#172141: name Bug#176383: marked as done (ITP: sdlcam -- Webcam viewer with filtering and image manipulation) Bug#178292: <rndmx[3> Bug#178292: marked as done (ITP: mpf70-utils -- A set of utilities to support the MPman MP-F70 MP3 player) Bug#179556: marked as done (ITP: eqp -- A theorem prover for equational logic) Bug#179557: marked as done (ITP: otter -- Search for proofs in equational logic) Bug#179567: marked as done (ITP: formed -- formula editor for first-order logic formulas) Bug#179568: marked as done (ITP: mace -- Search for countermodels in equational logic) Bug#179651: marked as done (ITP: sem -- find models of given logical theories) Bug#180632: Summary for 2004 and roadmap for 2005 Bug#181080: marked as done (ITP: aolserver-misc -- Various modules for aolserver 3.5.1) Bug#181273: RFA: vmnet -- A simple virtual networking program Bug#181276: <rndmx[9> Bug#181607: <rndmx[1> Bug#181706: <rndmx[7> Bug#182445: <rndmx[8> Bug#182449: marked as done (ITP: xsh -- A fast and powerfull command-line XML editor) Bug#183557: <rndmx[1> Bug#184226: <rndmx[0> Bug#186567: marked as done (ITP: zeo -- The Zope Enterprise Object) Bug#187134: REally surprized that this is not in Debina Bug#187392: marked as done (ITP: stylebox -- an editor for Openbox themes) Bug#187423: What's the status? Bug#187682: marked as done (ITP: xdrum -- A drum machine using Athena Widgets and /dev/dsp) Bug#187920: <rndmx[4> Bug#188100: <rndmx[0> Bug#188311: <rndmx[4> Bug#189496: marked as done (ITP: tuxmathscrable -- Tux Math Scrab*le is math version of the popular board game for ages 4-40.) Bug#189523: <rndmx[1> Bug#189766: <rndmx[3> Bug#189929: ITP Bug#193499: I have it packaged since a month ago Bug#193499: marked as done (ITP: python-sqlobject -- An object-relational mapper for Python) Bug#194021: O: xitalk -- Talk intercept utility for X Bug#195948: Dspam package and procmail Bug#195948: dspam-3.2.6 Bug#195948: preliminary dspam package available Bug#196153: RFA: floatbg -- slowly modify the color of the X root window Bug#197041: New version: ORSA 0.7.0 Bug#197841: O: libcapplet1 -- Library for Gnome Control Center applets Bug#199266: marked as done (ITP: ffmpeg -- multimedia streaming system) Bug#204969: Outstanding ITP - package-pool-helper Bug#206274: Status of python-simpy adoption Bug#206691: ITP: python-matplotlib -- A python based gtk plotting system in a style similar to matlab, aiming for publication quality plots. Bug#206691: matplotlib packages Bug#206880: sub Bug#207339: no longer relevant Bug#208847: [Fwd: [Monotone-devel] merged: sqlite 3] Bug#209012: What's the status of this ITP? Bug#211921: marked as done (ITA: hwtools -- Collection of tools for low-level hardware) Bug#213402: marked as done (ITA: squidtaild -- Squid log monitoring program) Bug#213688: marked as done (ITP: swiss-ephemeris -- Ephemeris of Astronomical/Astrological data) Bug#217436: marked as done (RFP: plucker-desktop -- GUI to download Web sites and documents to PalmOS devices) Bug#217897: change RFP to ITP Bug#218080: marked as done (RFP: wmpower -- a Window Maker dock application for Laptop power management) Bug#218868: [jon -at- d.o: Re: Maintaining gphpedit (bug #218868)?] Bug#218868: Maintaining gphpedit (bug #218868)? Bug#220037: daapd - a music server for the Apple DAA protocol Bug#220212: Why giving up Bug#220219: marked as done (ITP: vbtp -- VisioBraille's Transfer Protocol) Bug#221796: A error Bug#221796: Why giving up Bug#221894: Bug#226720: Is there a timeframe for building 2.2? Bug#222730: marked as done (ITP: zope-groupuserfolder -- group management for Zope) Bug#223469: marked as done (ITP: qca -- The Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA), cryptographic algorithmns for Qt programs) Bug#223568: license update Bug#223814: RFP: tuxcards -- A small note organisation program Bug#223905: Outstanding ITP - jamnntpd Bug#225143: marked as done (ITP: plogd -- Packet logging daemon) Bug#226346: marked as done (ITP: openmsx -- the open source MSX emulator that aims for perfection) Bug#226379: marked as done (ITP: openmsx -- the open source MSX emulator that aims for perfection) Bug#226412: marked as done (ITP: openmsx -- the open source MSX emulator that aims for perfection) Bug#226414: marked as done (ITP: powervr -- PowerVR XFree86 drivers and kernel modules) Bug#226436: Outstanding ITP - imview Bug#227508: marked as done (ITP: tempo -- graphical mapping of EEG-data) Bug#227784: marked as done (ITA: nitpic -- Simulator for the Microchip PIC16C84 microcontroller) Bug#227787: marked as done (ITA: xtrlock -- Minimal X display lock program) Bug#227787: news on adoption? Bug#227787: package has been taken over Bug#227788: marked as done (ITA: xwhois -- RFC954 whois client for the X Window System) Bug#227956: Package is in the NEW queue Bug#228716: Outstanding ITP - cerebrum Bug#228917: marked as done (ITP: dieroller -- GNOME Toy for simulating rolling of dice for White Wolf games) Bug#230902: Outstanding ITP - fusionsound Bug#231025: Bug#233014: Setting ITP Bug#233728: What's the status of these ITPs? Bug#233975: marked as done (ITP: ttf-junicode -- a Unicode font for medievalists) Bug#234074: Outstanding ITP - jamboree Bug#234551: ITP: libbooch_components -- The Ada 95 Booch Components Bug#234854: marked as done (ITP: tinyscheme -- very, very lightweight embeddable Scheme interpreter) Bug#235118: marked as done (ITP: hashtbl-ext -- Camlp4 Hashtbl syntax extension) Bug#235552: retitle Bug#235604: marked as done (ITP: q-lang -- Q equational programming language) Bug#236582: I intend to adopt billard-gl Bug#237079: marked as done (ITP: orinoco-cvs-module-src -- Source for Orinoco CVS trunk kernel modules) Bug#237791: marked as done (ITP: libopentop -- extensive C++ library modelled on the Java api) Bug#237953: Outstanding ITP - teepeedee Bug#238451: marked as done (RFP: childsplay -- a suite of educational and fun games for young children) Bug#239415: Is the LLVM Release License DFSG-compatible? Bug#239415: ITP: llvm -- LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine) compiler for C/C++ Bug#240338: marked as done (ITP: notmd -- A recording tool for MiniDiscs) Bug#240671: Outstanding ITP - easygg Bug#241277: Outstanding ITP - iso-codes-utils Bug#241304: marked as done (ITP: mypasswordsafe -- easy-to-use password manager) Bug#241763: [FIX] Bug#241763: Retitle appropriately Bug#241763: Retitle appropriately Bug#241936: Outstanding ITP - daemontools Bug#242468: marked as done (ITA: libofx -- library to support Open Financial Exchange) Bug#242981: Outstanding ITP - comas Bug#243357: Outstanding ITP - ipfreeze Bug#243938: rkhunter itp Bug#244110: Bug#244110: Sponsoring python-utidylib Bug#246481: marked as done (ITP: gnotify -- a notification service for many desktop-environments and WM's) Bug#247225: New license for PostfixAdmin Bug#247337: LiVES: Progress is being made Bug#247616: marked as done (ITP: bacula-watcher -- Web frontend to Bacula's catalog) Bug#247871: Changing owner Bug#247969: ITP: python-optcomplete -- easily provide bash-completion with optparse Bug#248179: marked as done (RFP: libcourier-filter-perl -- mail filter framework for the courier mail server) Bug#248179: This RFP is already part of Debian ? Bug#248246: marked as done (ITP: mozilla-firefox-locale-zh-tw -- Mozilla Firefox Traditional Chinese Language/Region Package) Bug#248706: Outstanding ITP - glitz Bug#249899: marked as done (ITP: libcash-ocaml -- OCaml SHell tools for writing shell-like system apps in OCaml) Bug#250532: marked as done (ITP: sdcv -- A command line version of StarDict) Bug#250605: marked as done (RFP: mozilla-firefox-locale-ru -- Mozilla Firefox Russian Language/Region Package) Bug#250805: Outstanding ITP - phetail Bug#251616: Outstanding ITP - vigra Bug#251617: panotools: Still interested ? Bug#251885: ITP: cgal -- C++ library for computational geometry Bug#252041: Packages available, need sponsor Bug#253205: potracegui Bug#253907: marked as done (ITP: lazarus -- Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool for Free Pascal) Bug#254759: marked as done (ITP: ddrhelp -- tool to make using ddrescue easier) Bug#255299: marked as done (RFA: kxmleditor -- XML Editor for KDE) Bug#255572: marked as done (ITP: cc65 -- Cross development suite for 65xxx processors) Bug#255600: Outstanding ITP - donmanolo Bug#257866: marked as done (ITP: flyway -- Pilots route planner) Bug#258097: dbus issues Bug#258709: marked as done (ITA: t-gnus -- A branch of Semi-gnus (Gnus for SEMI) variants) Bug#259062: Package already made Bug#259096: experimental packages Bug#259245: Oustanding ITP: knemo Bug#260278: ITP: bbsmount Bug#260613: Outstanding ITP - kexi Bug#261560: status of iaxcomm? Bug#261585: marked as done (ITA: modemu -- Telnet services for communication programs) Bug#262032: where to find your spandsp deb? Bug#262161: Outstanding ITP - ironpython Bug#265329: marked as done (ITP: p7zip -- Port of 7-ZIP to Unix) Bug#265336: marked as done (ITA: hostap-modules-i386 -- Host AP driver for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3 (pre-built modules)) Bug#265378: marked as done (ITA: wmnetmon -- A dockapp for monitoring services on up to 40 hosts) Bug#266022: Outstanding ITP: openntpd Bug#266820: marked as done (ITA: snmptrapfmt -- A configurable snmp trap handler daemon for snmpd.) Bug#267216: marked as done (ITP: jabber-irc -- IRC transport for jabber) Bug#267216: Outstanding ITP - jabber-irc Bug#267447: kfreebsd5-source (was: ITP: kfreebsd -- kernel of FreeBSD) Bug#267595: About KioskTool packaging status Bug#268910: Xpaint 2.7.0 packages built and tested, should I NMU? Bug#268910: xpaint adoption pending Bug#268912: Still interested in maintaining x10? Bug#268960: ITP: fondu -- convert between Mac and UNIX font formats Bug#269329: openexchange status? Bug#274726: Any progress on epylog? Bug#274743: marked as done (RFP: streamtuner-xiph -- (Icecast) directory handler plug-in for Streamtuner) Bug#274744: marked as done (RFP: streamtuner-live365 -- Live 365 directory handler plug-in for Streamtuner) Bug#274923: marked as done (ITP: core++ -- C++ library for robust numerical and geometric computation) Bug#275779: Not enough time to maintain Debian fpc package Bug#276057: mediawiki package Bug#276096: Eclipse 3.0 Packages Complete Bug#276612: marked as done (ITP: pstreams -- A C++ IOStream interface to POSIX Process I/O) Bug#276627: marked as done (ITP: systraq -- monitor your system and warn when system files change) Bug#276892: marked as done (RFA: galeon -- GNOME web browser for advanced users) Bug#276892: RFA: galeon -- GNOME web browser for advanced users Bug#279147: marked as done (ITP: zope-cmfarchetypes -- A developers framework for rapidly developing and deploying rich, full featured content types) Bug#279148: marked as done (ITP: zope-cmfactionicons -- Zope form validation for CMF) Bug#279149: marked as done (ITP: zope-cmformcontroller -- Zope form validation for CMF and Plone) Bug#279150: marked as done (ITP: zope-cmfquickinstallertool -- Zope add-on to easy install CMF/Plone products.) Bug#279151: marked as done (ITP: zope-ploneerrorreporting -- Error Reporting Tool for Plone 2.0) Bug#279152: marked as done (ITP: zope-plonetranslations -- Translation files for Plone 2.0) Bug#279153: marked as done (ITP: zope-pts -- Placeless Translation Service for Zope) Bug#279552: RFA: lingoteach -- a language teaching program Bug#279654: Where are you about this? Bug#279768: ITA - GZZ-* Bug#279772: marked as done (O: java2-common -- Common facilities for all Java2 environments) Bug#279772: Re : java-common removal , close orphan ? Bug#279791: marked as done (O: libhtml-simpleparse-perl -- perl HTML::SimpleParse - a bare-bones HTML parser.) Bug#279814: marked as done (ITA: tripwire -- A file and directory integrity checker) Bug#279825: marked as done (ITA: pilrc -- PalmOS resource compiler and editor) Bug#279828: marked as done (ITA: prc-tools -- Development toolchain for PDAs using the PalmOS (utilities)) Bug#280193: marked as done (ITP: foremost -- A console program to recover files from a disk or image) Bug#281222: Fixing WNPP problems Bug#281539: marked as done (ITP: libnet-server-mail-perl: Class to easily create a mail server) Bug#281837: ITA: ucd-snmp Bug#281837: marked as done (ITA: ucd-snmp -- NET SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Library) Bug#282044: marked as done (ITP: ultrapossum -- Multifunctional LDAP Solution) Bug#282076: Adopting Debian pwgen package? Bug#282153: marked as done (ITP: xdesktopwaves -- Simulation of) Bug#282201: ITA: Bug#282201: RFA: simpletal -- Simple TAL, TALES and METAL implementation Bug#282283: RFH: dselect -- a user tool to manage Debian packages Bug#282299: marked as done (ITA: libobject-realize-later-perl) Bug#282299: rename #282299 Bug#282301: ITA: mc -- Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager Bug#282465: marked as done (ITP: zope-cmf1.4 -- Zope Content Management Framework (CMF), 1.4 branch) Bug#282639: ITP: lavaps-tcl -- a lava lamp of currently running processes (TCL/TK version) Bug#282688: RFP: autoconf-doc -- Documentation for autoconf, automatic configure script builder Bug#282993: marked as done (ITP: cenon-doc -- PDF documentation for Bug#283005: ITP: vhcs -- Virtual Hosting Control System Bug#283336: marked as done (ITP: aspell-tl -- Tagalog dictionary for aspell) Bug#283751: marked as done (ITP: fakepop -- fake pop3 server to warn users that only pop3-ssl is available) Bug#283753: marked as done (ITP: libgeo-coordinates-utm-perl -- Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions) Bug#283859: marked as done (ITP: itagalog -- A Tagalog dictionary for ispell) Bug#283931: marked as done (ITA) Bug#283994: marked as done (ITP: glastree -- builds live backup trees, with branches for each day) Bug#284005: marked as done (ITP: newlib -- a simple ANSI C library and math library) Bug#284019: Strongly suggest you package mod_ntlm_winbind instead Bug#284114: marked as done (ITP: mpegdemux -- a MPEG1/2 system stream demultiplexer) Bug#284190: ITP: drdsl -- DSL Assistant for AVM DSL/ISDN-Controllers Bug#284190: marked as done (ITP: drdsl -- DSL Assistant for AVM DSL/ISDN-Controllers) Bug#284313: new packaging attempt Bug#284346: New Internet Critical Patch Bug#284378: marked as done (ITP: libcrypt-ecb-perl) Bug#284383: marked as done (ITP: -- almost a clone of Street Puzzle Fighter) Bug#284419: marked as done (ITP: openclipart -- Open Clip Art Library) Bug#284654: marked as done (O: obexftp -- File Transfer to Flex.Memory on Siemens GSM Mobiles) Bug#284766: marked as done (ITP: g-wrap -- Scripting interface generator for C) Bug#284778: Last Internet Security Pack Bug#284871: jumpnbump Bug#284909: marked as done (ITP: vbetool -- run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state) Bug#285041: new version of fprobe Bug#285274: ITP: libvisual Bug#285297: marked as done (ITP: gpx2shp -- Convert GPX files to ESRI Shapefile) Bug#285330: marked as done (ITP: gazpacho -- GTK+ User Interface Designer) Bug#285681: Net Patch Bug#285707: marked as done (ITP: quodlibet -- audio library manager and player for GTK+) Bug#286237: marked as done (ITP: kernel-patch-atopcnt -- additional statistical counters for atop) Bug#286238: marked as done (ITP: kernel-patch-atopacct -- save additional statistical counters for atop in the record) Bug#286528: marked as done (ITP: python-textile -- Python parser for the Textile markup) Bug#286838: marked as done (ITP: wakeonlan -- Sends 'magic packets' to wake-on-LAN enabled ethernet adapters) Bug#286847: Request for package Bug#287130: Please add 'OpenBCM' to Debian Re: Bug#287138: ITP: httplog -- Apache logfile program w/strftime(3) support Re: Bug#287143: RFP: xslint -- semantic lint checker for XSL Bug#287838: marked as done (ITP: phat -- collection of gtk+ widget geared towards audio apps) Bug#287986: ITA: cantus3 -- Gnome tool to mass-rename/tag mp3 and ogg files Bug#287986: marked as done (ITA: cantus3 -- Gnome tool to mass-rename/tag mp3 and) Bug#287988: marked as done (ITA: gtkpod -- manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod) Bug#287992: O: gkdial -- PPP dial-ip configuration and dialing tool Bug#288081: encfs (faster than lufs-cryptofs) Bug#288081: RFP: encfs -- encrypted filesystem for FUSE Bug#288156: RFA: gtimer Bug#288168: ITP: openntpd -- Simple and secure NTP daemon Bug#288204: marked as done (ITA: jadetex -- generator of printable output from SGML or XML using Jade) Bug#288204: O: jadetex -- generator of printable output from SGML or XML using Jade Bug#288208: RFA: xmms-status-plugin -- Status panel applet for XMMS Bug#288209: O: audio-cd -- Library to handle CDDB and low-level cd io calls Bug#288210: marked as done (ITA: disc-cover -- Generates CD-disc covers for jewel-cases) Bug#288210: O: disc-cover -- Generates CD-disc covers for jewel-cases Bug#288211: O: sound-recorder -- Direct-to-disk recording and play-back programs. Bug#288212: marked as done (ITA: wav2cdr -- Converts wav files into CD-ROM audio file format.) Bug#288212: O: wav2cdr -- Converts wav files into CD-ROM audio file format. Bug#288213: O: check -- A unit test framework for C Bug#288214: ITA: libparams-validate-perl libparams-validate-perl -- Validate parameters to Perl method/function calls Bug#288214: marked as done (ITA: libparams-validate-perl libparams-validate-perl \) Bug#288214: O: libparams-validate-perl -- Validate parameters to Perl method/function calls Bug#288215: O: rawrec -- Buffered raw audio recorder/player Bug#288216: O: soundgrab -- play a raw audio file and interactively select and save pieces Bug#288219: O: aspell-it -- The Italian dictionary for GNU Aspell Bug#288228: eco5000 and towitoko driver Bug#288228: O: eco5000 -- Orga Eco 5000 smartcard reader PCSC and CT-API driver Bug#288229: O: gsmartcard -- A smart card reading, writing and managing program for Gnome Bug#288230: O: slbreflex -- Reflex 62/64 smartcard reader PCSC and CT-API driver Bug#288231: O: smartcard -- A smartcard utility for Linux Bug#288232: O: towitoko -- Towitoko smartcard reader PCSC and CT-API driver Bug#288253: RFP: gnome-perfmeter -- Displays performance statistics for a remote machine Bug#288255: ITA: dbix-cgi-perl -- CGI Extension for libdbix-easy-perl Bug#288256: O: curator -- Turn directories of images into static web content Bug#288257: marked as done (ITA: scsiadd -- Add or remove SCSI devices by rescanning the bus.) Bug#288257: O: scsiadd -- Add or remove SCSI devices by rescanning the bus. Bug#288267: O: gcombust -- GTK+ based CD mastering and burning program Bug#288276: RFP: vex -- a visual XML editor written in Java Bug#288299: RFP: gps3d -- Visualize GPS status using an OpenGL projection of the globe Bug#288313: ITP: libclass-virtual-perl -- Base class for virtual base classes Bug#288326: ITP: liblingua-stem-perl -- Stemming of words Bug#288330: O: ldp-docbook-stylesheets -- The Linux Documentation Project's XSL stylesheets Bug#288333: O: fvwm-shell -- A fvwm2 based desktop environment Bug#288334: O: imagefs -- Creates a virtual FAT12 file system in a single file. Bug#288335: O: imaze -- Multiplayer network maze game like MidiMaze Bug#288336: O: log4cpp -- A C++ library for flexible logging Bug#288337: O: log4cpp-doc -- A C++ library for flexible logging (documentation) Bug#288338: O: libhttpfetcher -- A small library that downloads files via HTTP. Bug#288353: RFP: gnochm -- CHM-viewer for Gnome Bug#288371: RFA: agrep -- Text search tool with support for approximate patterns [non-free] Bug#288375: ITA: zope-zwiki -- WikiWikiWeb on Zope Bug#288375: marked as done (ITA: zope-zwiki -- WikiWikiWeb on Zope) Bug#288379: I offer to look after the package for you untill you become a developer, Ian! Bug#288379: O: vcg -- A Visualization Tool for compiler graphs Bug#288379: Sponsoring Bug#288379: VCG, license, and source location Bug#288433: ITA: libcrypto++ -- Crypto++ library Bug#288433: O: libcrypto++ -- Crypto++ library Bug#288435: ITP: vdr-plugin-weather -- Weather plugin for vdr Bug#288473: ITP: vdr-plugin-streamdev -- Plugin to vdr that lets the software stream Bug#288474: ITP: vdr-plugin-tvonscreen -- Plugin for vdr, that displays EPG data like in a typical TV guide Bug#288486: ITP: liblingua-pt-stemmer-perl -- Portuguese language stemming Bug#288487: ITP: liblingua-stem-fr-perl -- Perl French Stemming Bug#288491: ITP: liblingua-stem-it-perl -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Italian Bug#288492: ITP: liblingua-stem-ru-perl -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only) Bug#288493: Bug#288497: ITP: libsnowball-swedish-perl -- Stemming algorithm for Swedish Bug#288493: ITP: liblingua-stem-snowball-da-perl -- Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark Bug#288495: ITP: libsnowball-norwegian-perl -- Stemming algorithm for Norwegian Bug#288497: ITP: libsnowball-swedish-perl -- Stemming algorithm for Swedish Bug#288521: RFP: ssh-proxy-connect -- tunnel SSH/TCP connection through SOCKS and HTTP(S) proxies Bug#288576: ITP: yate -- YATE - Yet Another Telephony Engine Bug#288577: RFP: leafpad -- Leafpad is a GTK+ based simple text editor. Bug#288655: RFA: MyServer Bug#288667: RFP: cghmaker -- The MedCosm Computer Generated Hologram (CGH) Construction Kit Bug#288686: ITP: cssed -- a CSS editor Bug#288703: chmlib and chmsee Bug#288703: ITP: chmsee -- A chm file viewer, support Chinese better Bug#288769: Bug#180236: a2ps is not unicode ready Bug#288769: ITP: cedilla -- ascii to postscript renderer Bug#288810: ITP: nntpswitch -- Load Balancing NNTP Router Bug#288843: marked as done (ITA: plan -- X/Motif day planner (dynamically compiled with LessTif)) Bug#288843: RFA: plan -- X/Motif day planner (dynamically compiled with LessTif) Bug#288854: ITP: phptal -- phptal is an implementation of Zope Page Templates (ZPT) for PHP. Bug#288864: ITP: vdr-plugin-radio -- VDR Plugin that displays images for radio channels Bug#288874: RFP: dosage -- Powerful webcomic downloader with support for many comics Bug#288959: ITP: mn-fit -- interactive analysis package for fitting data and histograms Bug#289027: O: middleman -- web content caching and filtering proxy server Bug#289043: ITP: perlprimer -- [Biology] Graphical design of primers for PCR Bug#289062: ITP: kwin-deco-crystalgl -- KDE OpenGL-enabled 'Crystal' windeco Bug#289092: ITP: tunesbrowser -- A music player able to access iTunes shares Bug#289093: ITP: libopendaap -- Open-source DAAP library Bug#289132: ITP: ooo2dbk -- SXW to DocBook XML translator Bug#289168: ITP: xvidcap - Capture X-windows display to frames or video Bug#289176: ITP: yacpi -- ncurses based acpi monitor for text mode Bug#289248: RFA: ntlmaps -- NTLM Authorization Proxy Server Bug#289307: Integrate to kernel-source? Bug#289307: ITP: pwc -- Free Philips USB Webcam driver for Linux replacing the old pwcx Bug#289307: ITP: pwc -- Free Philips USB Webcam driver for Linux replacing the old pwcx module. Bug#289307: pwc package version 6 Bug#289339: Might be GPL'd Bug#289339: RFP: einstein -- Einstein puzzle is cross-platform open source remake of old DOS game Sherlock which was inspired by Albert Einstein's puzzle. Bug#289365: RFP: winmx2lopster -- Convert winmx client *.wsx files to lopster sharing client format Bug#289371: ITP: saods9 -- astronomical image tool Bug#289385: marked as done (RFH: cdrtools -- searching co-maintainer for the package) Bug#289385: RFH: cdrtools -- searching co-maintainer for the package Bug#289392: ITP: anagramarama -- fast paced anagram puzzle game using SDL Bug#289431: marked as done (ITA: libexporter-lite-perl -- Lightweight subset of Exporter) Bug#289432: marked as done (ITA: libuniversal-exports-perl -- Lightweight, universal exporting of variables) Bug#289433: marked as done (ITA: libcgi-untaint-perl -- Process CGI input parameters) Bug#289433: O: libcgi-untaint-perl -- Process CGI input parameters Bug#289434: O: libconfig-general-perl -- generic configuration module Bug#289435: O: mga-vid -- Kernel driver for the back-end scaler on Matrox cards (source) Bug#289486: RFP: eppitance -- an integrated file sharing solution for the GNOME Desktop Bug#289487: RFP: jinzora -- Web based media sreamer and jukebox Bug#289523: marked as done (O: disc-cover -- Generates CD-disc covers for jewel-cases) Bug#289523: O: disc-cover -- Generates CD-disc covers for jewel-cases Bug#289537: O: systrace Bug#289538: O: xsystrace Bug#289539: O: kernel-patch-systrace Bug#289545: ITP: gromit -- GTK based tool to make annotations on screen Bug#289546: RFP: altermime -- integrated email/mailpack manipulation utility Bug#289617: RFA: e2tools -- utilities for manipulating files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem Bug#289619: RFA: drip Bug#289632: ITP: BrlCAD -- A Combinatorial/Constructive Solid Geometry, solid modeling system Bug#289684: RFP: brlcad -- A powerful 3D CAD Bug#289712: ITP: libncar-graphics -- scientific visualization suite from UCAR Bug#289722: ITP: kde-systray2 -- KDE systray applet with icon hiding support Bug#289789: RFA: imlib -- Imlib is an imaging library for X and X11 Bug#289790: RFA: imlib+png2 -- imaging library for use with gtk (using libpng2) Bug#289973: ITP: didiwiki -- simple WikiWikiWeb implementation with built-in webserver Bug#290124: ITP: clamcour -- Courier filter that allows Clam Antivirus to scan incoming mail Bug#290131: ITP: mocp -- ncurses based console audio player Bug#290136: RFP: libtime-unix-perl -- cross-platform time() for Perl The last update was on 10:09 GMT Wed Aug 07. 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