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Re: A question to the Debian community ...

On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 01:23:50PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
> >>>>> "Sven" == Sven Luther <luther@debian.org> writes:
>     Sven> It is easy enough, that the powers-in-debian stop to try to
>     Sven> punish me for it, an,d that a real and fair mediation
>     Sven> happens, and that the other party honestly tries to forget
>     Sven> the past grudges.
> Unfortunately I don't think a fair resolution will happen. As unfair
> as this might be.

Why not ? I would like an answer to his from every DD who posted here,
not speaking in some generic way, but explaining why they believe that
themselves should be unfair to me. Already Wouter has explained why he
believed it was more important to satisfy the other party and be unfair
to me, but most everyone else hides behind an anonymous 'it', as you do.

The fact remains, that i have made every effort to get this issue
resolved, that i have proposed RL encounters, and everything, which
where always rejected by the other party.

So, if the debian project aknowledges that it has handled me unfairly,
apologizes for the harrasment i have been under since over a year, and
publicly says that the other party in this was not even interested in
making the least minimal effort, this would satisfy me.

Debian owes me this, each and every DD owes me this, and more
importantly each DD owes this to Debian and their own concience.

>     Sven> How do you expect me to forget the old grudges, when each
>     Sven> time i tried to forget them, they where forced down my
>     Sven> throat with more extreme agression ? First after christmas
>     Sven> with an unwarranted demand of a list ban, then in end of
>     Sven> february with a renewed expulsion request.
> Some people might see this as justification for banning you from the
> mailing lists. If you weren't subscribed to the mailing lists, people
> might stop publicly trying to provoke you.

Don't hide behind 'some people', this unpersonification of it, is
nothing but hiding behind your responsability.

Either some people think i should be banned from the lists, and they act
on this openly and honestly, but these dealings in the darkness, with
mystery and manipulation is undign of debian, and hurts debian far more
than anaything i could have done.

Face it, most people would have prefered to blissedly ignore all this,
and there are only a few people, a couple handful out of thousand of DDs
who are out to punish me. In this, the DAMs have acted to protect their
cabal, the little subgroup of people in power who could not be satisfied
by anything but total vengeance.

Debian doesn't need this, and this kind of behaviour is the cause of all
the problems debian has been facing.

As such, it is my duty, as it is the duty of all honorable DDs to fight
against such, and failing so, to claim it widely so that such execrable
behaviour doesn't get un-punished.


Sven Luther

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