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Re: A question to the Debian community ...

>>>>> "Sven" == Sven Luther <luther@debian.org> writes:

    Sven> It is easy enough, that the powers-in-debian stop to try to
    Sven> punish me for it, an,d that a real and fair mediation
    Sven> happens, and that the other party honestly tries to forget
    Sven> the past grudges.

Unfortunately I don't think a fair resolution will happen. As unfair
as this might be.

    Sven> How do you expect me to forget the old grudges, when each
    Sven> time i tried to forget them, they where forced down my
    Sven> throat with more extreme agression ? First after christmas
    Sven> with an unwarranted demand of a list ban, then in end of
    Sven> february with a renewed expulsion request.

Some people might see this as justification for banning you from the
mailing lists. If you weren't subscribed to the mailing lists, people
might stop publicly trying to provoke you.
Brian May <bam@snoopy.debian.net>

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