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Re: Helpful attitude

On 08/08/2019 03:12 PM, Curt wrote:
On 2019-08-08, Dan Ritter <dsr@randomstring.org> wrote:

I think you are missing the point: When someone asks a question on this
list, then that someone gets to decide what the question is.

To which Curt replied:

The questioner gets to decide what the question is, and the
answerer gets to decide what the answer is.

The questioner then gets to make two other distinctions:
  a. is the answer responsive?
     [e.g. when asking about "Wireless home LAN" I was told to
           use Ethernet]
  b. is it feasible for the questioner to actually implement?
     [e.g. I had rejected Ethernet {after purchasing a switch}
           when I realized physical constraints prevented running
           cables. *THAT* specifically prompted the wireless topic.]

Dan Ritter also said:
Sure. But they also bear the burden of communicating precisely
what it is that they are asking for, and accepting that some
responses will offer advice rather than answers. Some of that
advice is even valuable!

True! Even when sub-threads have drifted parsecs OFF TOPIC ;/

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