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Re: Avoiding SystemD isn't hard

Don Armstrong wrote:
On Tue, 21 Oct 2014, Miles Fidelman wrote:
which is immediately followed by completely inaccurate information,

"With jessie, it will become /easier/ to choose the init system, because
*neither init system is essential now*. Instead, there is an essential
meta-package "init", which requires you to install one of systemd-sysv |
sysvinit-core | upstart. In other words, you have more choice than ever
This statement is actually correct; until this change it was not
possible to completely replace sysvinit with another init system without
running dpkg-divert commands to divert the init away.


When, in fact, there IS no way to prevent systemd from being installed
during installation (except for upgrades).
That preseeding doesn't do this is a bug, it's filed (#668001), and the
patch for it was just written on Friday the 17th. Because Debian is
going to freeze in less than three weeks, the maintainers are wary of
applying this patch this close to release without extensive testing.

Furthermore, the effect of this patch is trivially obtained by using a
late_command to remove systemd-sysv and install sysvinit-core.

except for the various reported issues with all the things aptitude wants to remove when you try this.... (I really hate unwinding highly entangled dependencies).

If you actually want to see this patch applied to the version of the
Debian installer that Jessie will release with, you should coordinate
with the nice people in #debian-boot to see what type of testing they
would want to see before they are willing to vet the patch.

Good point - will see how receptive they are.

Which leaves the only option being to install, with systemd, then follow the instructions in
|# apt-get install sysv-rc sysvinit-core sysvinit-utils
# apt-get purge systemd libpam-systemd systemd-sysv
This is the wrong command to run. You want:

aptitude install sysvinit-core systemd-sysv-;

Removing libpam-systemd and systemd something depends on them isn't
useful; they don't determine what the init system is, after all.

seems like we could use some definitive instructions on how to actually do this; we now have:

(where I copied the above instructions from)
followed by:
and now your comments above
- plus the various bug reports about how to avoid mass uninstallations by aptitude (e.g., https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2014/10/msg00409.html)

A distinct lack of clarity, given the TC resolution about expecting Jessie to support multiple init systems, but not actually having a clearly defined way to do anything except hack until one gets things to work.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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