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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

On Ma, 14 oct 14, 16:31:04, Steve Litt wrote:
> Of course, then there's the matters of upstreams requiring systemd...

As far as I understand none of the upstreams are actually requiring 
systemd itself (or more accurately systemd-logind), but the interfaces 
it is providing. And it also seems to make sense (why should every 
Desktop Environment implement it's own solution for this?).

The good news are:

1. The public interfaces provided by systemd-logind are stable and 
2. There is already one project trying to develop an alternative 
implementation (systembsd)

The bad new: systembsd is an OpenBSD project, which means there will be 
*at least* some porting involved to use in on Linux.

However, those guys have an excelent track record in writing portable 
software (e.g. OpenSSH), so I'm not too worried about this.

Kind regards,
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