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Re: Installing Cinnamon 2.0

On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 15:23 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
> If you want your text to be word wrapped by the reader then the sender
> is obliged to set format=flowed.  Outlook has long been wrongly
> sending long lined messages without using that setting.  But it is
> wrong.

Exactly! It would be idiotic if a reader would format the mails, because
the sender is the author and to format the text is part of the message.

To expect that the reader should format the text, is like sending an
empty mail and to ask the reader to write the test on her/his own.

And btw. I agree that it's possible to use Windows without causing
trouble, hence my argumentation against current version of Mate. Not to
care about all aspects and then to call others "blind Mate haters" or to
blame the receiver, because the sender is to lazy to get his homework
done, is what I expect from averaged inexperienced Windows users, but I
don't want it to become policy for Linux.


"Wrap your lines at 80 characters or less for ordinary discussion. Lines
longer than 80 characters are acceptable for computer-generated output
(e.g., ls -l)." - http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

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