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Re: How to get rid of an entry in grub?

David Guntner wrote:
> I suppose it exists on the partition in a sense, but within the
> filesystem, it lives as /backup/etc/debian_version.  /backup is the
> only mounted filesystem on /dev/sdb1.

To have os-prober find an OS, that OS does not have to be mounted.
If an OS is found in sdb1, it could mean that some grub.cfg or
menu.lst exists there; that's where it gets information from.
However, I understand that the existence of /etc/debian-version in
sdb1 is the most likely cause.

But if the cause cannot be undone, there is still a way to have sdb1
ignored.  Line 40 of /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober looks like this:

   OSPROBED="`os-prober | tr ' ' '^' | paste -s -d ' '`"

Now insert  '| grep --invert-match sdb1'  after 'os-prober', so it
looks like this:

   OSPROBED="`os-prober | grep --invert-match sdb1 | tr ' ' '^' | paste -s -d ' '`"

After an 'update-grub' the sdb1 entry will be gone from the Grub menu.

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