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Re: Frustration made me do it.

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 00:09, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
<bss@iguanasuicide.net> wrote:
> There are other WebKit-based browsers besides Chromium out there and there are
> other Gecko-based browsers besides FireFox / IceWeasel out there.  By
> experimenting you may find one that is less bad for you than FireFox.

Kazehakase uses Gecko or WebKit; midori uses webkit. Neither are
stable on my amd64 Sid. I've read nice stuff about dillo (which
rendering engine?), but haven't tried it. All these browsers might not
support all the latest bells 'n' whistles. I have them around to test
my wannabe sites (as well as some versions of IE in a VM).

I enjoyed Opera (has it's own r.e.) while still on Windows and a bit
in Linux. Not opensource, a bit heavy at the time, but stable and i
haven't seen an "open all links of this tab in another linked tab" in
any other browser (always hve to use the middle button). They first
came up with "speed dial" IIRC. Etc.

I use Iceweasel with ADP and NoScript and that's it. Sometimes i get
in trouble with flash-sites and sometimes my cpu will spike 'cos of
some tab, but i think it's the most all-round browser i have. I'll use
30 tabs max, and don't like to keep flash tabs open, so i can't say i
use it extensively.

I've briefly used chromium, but it lacks some nice plugins.

It's also fun to try acid3.acidtests.org on each browser, if you're picky.

My 2¢

Mars 2 Stay!

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