Re: [Solved ??? Please do not follow web resources without checking]: Scim and iceweasel
On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 07:54, H.S. <> wrote:
> On 17/07/10 07:49 AM, Osamu Aoki wrote:
>> Sourcing ~/.bashrc does not work for programs started by menu as I
>> understand. So this is not the best solution.
> Isn't the file read when one logs in to a DE? That is what appears to be
> happening when I log in to KDE. Since I put those variables in ~/.bashrc,
> scim is working flawlessly for me. But this may be happening due my
> ~/.profile which sources .bashrc file. Sorry, I always get confused in these
> files intended order/situations of reading (including ~/.bash_profile).
.bash_profile is always read at login. .bashrc is often read at login as well,
due to being sourced in .bash_profile, but not all systems are set up this way.
.bashrc is read for every non-login shell that is started.
Currently, my ibus env setting are in /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/
I think ibus actually set them up itself, as I don't remember doing it (I set up
scim in /etc/profile, back when I used it, I think)
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