[Solved ??? Please do not follow web resources without checking]: Scim and iceweasel
There are many ways to solve issues.
On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 01:17:22AM -0400, H.S. wrote:
> > Now I have the skim applet on my KDE panel but I am not able to switch
> > the languages. I have done no other modifications in any files though. I
> > was hoping that using scim (in KDE, using skim?) would be quite
> > straightforward. Could you show some insights on how to get it to work
> > in KDE, hopefully without having to edit any text files?
You should install im-switch or im-config to get easier time
configuring. I admit new im-config needs update to cover skim but
installing im-switch should give you configuration. Then follow
documentation in /usr/share/doc/im-switch/
> On a newly installed amd64 Testing system, it was quite simple to get
> scim working in KDE.
> STEP 2:
> Next, based on
> http://lorenzod8n.wordpress.com/2008/01/17/setting-up-scim-on-debian/, I
> put these lines in my ~/.bashrc:
> #for scim
> export XMODIFIERS='@im=SCIM'
> export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
> export QT_IM_MODULE="scim"
Sourcing ~/.bashrc does not work for programs started by menu as I
understand. So this is not the best solution.
We as Debian puts glue layer for user. Although you have power to
override it, please do not advatize methods which break thigs for
Debian. There are many documentation in /usr/share/doc/scim and
/usr/share/doc/skim . Please read them. If they are wrong, please file
bug report.
Osamu -- scim and im-switch packager ..
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