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Re: A few general questions from a Debian newbie

Am 2005-11-17 08:48:33, schrieb loos:

> 1. Normal = most of them does just that.

I do not know ONE newbie which is using TESTING or UNSTABLE.

> 2. Debian unstable is just as good as a stable Fedora, etc.

My Development Workstation was broken several times in the last 4
month.  There was no chance for newbies to get it running again.
> 3. By having problems, which on unstable are rapidly resolved (<1 week)
> they actually learn a lot. Beginning with a little patience.

You mean those guys which send then wit M$ Outlook Express to
the Debian lists and break mail threads where you do not find
the singel messages in your Mailbox ?

> 4. They usually don't price stability at all since they don't devellop
> for anything, they just use.


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