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Re: X too big; login double; fetchmail kaputt

On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 04:32:01AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
| also sprach dman <dsh8290@rit.edu> [2002.01.11.0156 +0100]:
| > | not really. maybe i am misremembering. but it's highly prefered over
| > | editing XF86Config by hand. unless you want to read the manpages,
| > | web, and spend some time to get it working. it *is* possible, they
| > | say...
| > 
| > I'll say it's possible :-).  It's the only way I got my display to
| > work at the resolution I wanted.  Well, that was before I switched to
| > framebuffer.  Then the config is trivial!
| really? with framebuffer, i couldn't get tty[1-6] working anymore. they
| were just blank.

Huh.  I get nice 1280x1024 at 16 bit (quake1 can't do more than 16bit
or it falls back to vga emulation, I don't know why I keep it there
since I haven't played in a long time, but it's enough).

| but yes, *after* dexconf (for 4.x), i had to modify the ModeLines too.
| but i wouldn't want to deal with writing the config from scratch by
| hand...

I agree, I used the tools to create a skeleton that I then fixed to
work for me.  With the other machine, though, I let dexconf create the
whole thing (for framebuffer) and didn't have to tweak a thing!
(errm, actually, I added a second mouse handler so I can use either
the touch pad or my nice usb mouse with the scroll wheel)


PS.  hey, check out this sig,  know where I got it from martin? ;-)


Microoft DNS service terminates abnormally when it receives a response
to a dns query that was never made.
Fix information: run your DNS service on a different platform.
                                                            -- bugtraq

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