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Re: how to disable gnome panel

on Sat, Dec 08, 2001 at 09:57:03PM +1100, Andrew Sione Taumoefolau (bepempire@optusnet.com.au) wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 08, 2001 at 01:23:29AM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > ...though that does suggest maybe I want to look at
> > gnome-gnotes....which doesn't exist.
> Bad news, gnotes is actually another applet (it's in gnome-applets) :).
> > It's not so much the memory (thought that's an issue), it's just a
> > matter of environment / desktop control.  I don't like GNOME.  There are
> > a few apps which are reasonable.  I'll use them.  Loading the entire
> > environment for a single goddamned little utility is a joke though.
> I think restricting panel applets to running within the panel is a
> reasonable move, as most would probably not make much sense running outside
> of it, and probably depend on the panel in strange and mysterious ways.

Here's a suggestion (and I may pursue it):  come up with a relatively
handy way for allowing applets of various sorts to be run in multiple,
flexible, ways.

Most of the WMaker dock apps provide for this.  If you really want to,
you can run them standalone, or dock them to other panel types.  Not
all, likely but....

There *is* a "postit" client that works with WindowMaker (wmpinboard),
but I find its design *really* krufty.  The notes themselves are
restricted to the surface of the tile, and somemthing like 55
characters.  I'd rather have a tile that served as a manager for notes,
but for which the notes themselves could be launched to the main

May muck with this, but don't hold your breath.

> proper, full-fledged application that has panel representation if the
> user requests it, rather than a top-heavy panel app.
> > There's a distinction between integration and interoperability I'd
> > thought we'd learned in the 1990s.
> Hey, we're still making usability errors that the Mac got right almost
> twenty years ago. We learn slow :).

GNOME seems hellbent on replicating many of the worst abuses of
Microsoft integration, tying, and bundling, to no clear effect.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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