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Re: gnome-settings-daemon und fvwm

Robert Rakowicz schrieb:
> Hi,
> dann klemme ich mich an den Thread gerne an ;)
> Nach etwas längerer Linux Abstinenz und komplett neuinstallation habe
> ich auch Probleme mit fvwm.
> So ganz kriege ich die Zusammenhänge bei den vielen Konfig-Daemons nicht
> auf die Reihe. Starte ich Gnome ist alles so weit in Ordnung -
> Tastaturbelegung, Schriften, Maus. Starte ich fvwm tun die 3 Dinger
> schon nicht richtig. Maus und Tastatur verhalten sich so als ob ständig
> die Meta Taste aktiv wäre. Bei Schriften ist nichts mit EUR (kann aber
> mit der Tastatur zusammenhängen).
> Meine Konfig tat bis Sarge perfekt, somit unterstelle ich erst mal das
> ich da drin keine Fehler habe. Was eher möglich sein wird, dass mir
> irgendwo etwas fehlt oder für neuen X, GTK+ usw. nicht mehr aktuell oder
> so ist. So richtig habe ich keine Idee wo ich suchen soll. Ideen/ Tipps
> sind willkommen. Vielleicht auch eine .fvwm2rc

Ich poste dir einmal meine .fvwm2rc. Die funktioniert jetzt im Großen
und Ganzen so, wie ich das haben möchte.

Ganz zum Schluss wird noch ein Style eingebunden (brushedmetal). Den hab
ich glaub ich von der Fvwm-HP runtergesaugt. Schaut so ähnlich aus wie
ein Mac... Die config dazu kann ich dir auch gerne schicken.

# Configuration file for fvwm2
# by Lars Wirzenius
# "@(#):$Id: system.fvwm2rc,v 1.1 2003/04/07 17:04:19 ballombe Exp $"
# This file can be used both as the system.fvwmrc and the per-user
# It uses certain `hooks' (files stored in /etc/X11/fvwm2 or ~/.fvwm2)
to allow
# the system administrator and user to modify menus, colors, and so on
# having to change this file.
# The defaults that this file sets up follow my own taste.  They attempt
to set
# up a nice, easy, comfortable environment for the "ordinary" user.
# using the hooks, it should be possible to change anything.
# Please read /usr/doc/fvwm2/README.sysrc for more information.
# Hopefully, you will never have to modify this file.
ModulePath /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.5.27/
ImagePath /home/jakob/icons:/usr/share/pixmaps/

# Section: pre.hook
# Use pre.hook for things that need to be done before anything else.
# For example, a PixmapPath might be defined here.
Style "FvwmPager"   StaysOnTop
Style "Fvwm*"       NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip,
Style "Fvwm*"       BorderWidth 0,CirculateSkipIcon
Style "*"           SmartPlacement
Style "*"           RandomPlacement
Style "Xlock"       NoTitle
Style "xlock"       NoTitle
#Module  FvwmPager 0 3
#*FvwmButtons(4x1) - whatever Swallow "FvwmPager" Module FvwmPager 0 3
#*FvwmPagerBack #908090
#*FvwmPagerFore #484048
#*FvwmPagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#*FvwmPagerHilight #cab3ca
#*FvwmPagerGeometry -1-1
#*FvwmPagerLabel 0 Misc
#*FvwmPagerLabel 1 Maker
#*FvwmPagerLabel 2 Mail
#*FvwmPagerLabel 3 Matlab
#*FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8

*FvwmPager: Rows  1
*FvwmPager: Columns       1
*FvwmPagerGeometry      -0+0
*FvwmPagerFore  Black
*FvwmPagerBack  grey67
*FvwmPagerHilight       grey50
*FvwmPagerFont  none
*FvwmPagerSmallFont -*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-70-*-*-*-*-*-*

Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/pre.hook
Read .fvwm2/pre.hook

# Section: Various global settings
# These settings are personal.  If you need to modify them, do so in
# DeskTopSize sets the size of the desktop in units of physical screen
# `pages'.  I prefer to use separate desktops instead of pages, but
# many reasonable people do it the other way.  My reason is that this
# makes it possible to have different backgrounds when changing the
# workspace.

DeskTopSize 3x2

# I don't like to be able to move between pages or desks simply by
# moving the mouse against the screen border.  I find it very
# confusing.  The following command disables it.

EdgeScroll 0 0

# When moving a window against the edge of the screen, it is
# nice to have a small resistance before the window is moved outside
# the screen.  This makes it easier to line windows against the
# edges.

EdgeResistance 0 100

# Section: Styles, colors, fonts, and related things
# This section defines the looks, behavior, and other attributes of windows.
# These are also quite personal.  Modify them in post.hook.
# The following sets window colors.  This is highly personal,
# of course.

Style "*" Color black/darkgrey
HilightColor white steelblue
WindowFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*

# The following sets the window decorations: the window title, borders,
# and the handles in the corners.

ButtonStyle 2 16 20x20@1 30x20@1 50x40@1 70x20@1 80x20@1 80x30@0 60x50@0
80x80@0 70x80@0 50x60@0 30x80@0 20x80@0 20x70@0 40x50@1 20x30@0 20x20@1
ButtonStyle 4 5 25x25@1 25x75@1 75x75@0 75x25@0 25x25@1
ButtonStyle 6 2 80x76@0 20x76@1

Style "*" BorderWidth 6
Style "*" HandleWidth 6
Style "*" MWMBorder
Style "*" MWMDecor
Style "*" DecorateTransient
Style "*" SmartPlacement
Style "*" RandomPlacement
Style "*" IconBox 0 0 50 -1

Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle
Style "Fvwm*" WindowListSkip
Style "Fvwm*" CirculateSkip

Style "FvwmButtons" Sticky
Style "FvwmIconMan" Sticky

Style "FvwmIdent" Title
Style "FvwmIdent" WindowListHit
Style "FvwmIdent" CirculateHit

# Section: Init and restart functions
# This section defines the functions InitFunction and RestartFunction.
# InitFunction is executed automatically when fvwm first starts.
# RestartFunction is executed automatically when fvwm restarts itself.
# They share a common hook, init-restart.hook, and two specific hooks,
# init.hook and restart.hook.
# init-restart.hook should be used for starting fvwm modules, such as the
# button bar.  init-hook should be used to start other applications; they
# should not be started again, when fvwm is restarted, since they don't
# die like fvwm modules do.  restart.hook exists mostly for completeness;
# tell me if you find any use for it.
# InitFunction runs the script setup-background, which looks in
# ~/.fvwm2 to see if the user wants some specific background color or
# image.

DestroyMenu InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
#+ "I" Exec setup-background
#Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/init.hook
#Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/init-restart.hook
#Read .fvwm2/init.hook
#Read .fvwm2/init-restart.hook
 +	"I"	Exec xterm -ls -geometry +150+85
 +	"I"	Module FvwmButtons
# +	"I"	Exec gnome-settings-daemon
 +	"I"	Exec fvwm-root --retain-pixmap /home/jakob/.fvwm/gleinkersee.jpg
 +	"I"	PipeRead "cat /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook"
 +	"I"	Exec killall esc
 +	"I"	Exec esdctl unlock
 +	"I"	Exec /usr/bin/gtk-theme-switch2 /usr/share/themes/Gorilla

DestroyMenu RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction
#Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/restart.hook
#Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/init-restart.hook
#Read .fvwm2/restart.hook
 +	"I"	Module FvwmButtons
 +	"I"	Exec xmessages
# +	"I"	Exec gnome-settings-daemon
 +	"I"	Exec killall knetworkmanager
 +      "I"     Exec root-tail -g 1200x600+300+80
 +	"I"	PipeRead "cat /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook"
 +	"I"	Exec killall esd
 +	"I"	Exec esdctl unlock
 +	"I"	Exec /usr/bin/gtk-theme-switch2 /usr/share/themes/Gorilla
Read .fvwm2/init-restart.hook

AddToFunc vpncFunc
  +	"I"	Exec sudo $[HOME]/.fvwm/scripts/vpnc.fvwm tunet-only

AddToFunc vpncDEFunc
  +	"I"	Exec sudo vpnc-disconnect

AddToFunc MoveOrRaise
+                         "C"	Raise
+                         "M"	Raise
+                         "M"	Move
+                         "D"	Lower

AddToFunc ResizeOrRaise
+                          "C"	Raise
+                          "M"	Raise
+                          "M"	Resize
+                          "D"	Lower

AddToFunc MaximizeFunc
+                          "M"	Maximize   0 100
+                          "C"	Maximize   0  80
+                          "D"	Maximize 100 100

AddToFunc MoveOrIconify
+                          "I"	Raise
+                          "M"	Raise
+                          "M"	Move
+                          "D"	Iconify

AddToFunc bringup
  +	"I"	All (FvwmButtons) Raise
  +	"I"	All ("*Panel*") Raise

AddToFunc RootShell
  +	"I"	Exec xterm -ls -vb -sb -sl 2000 -T Root -n Root -j -rw +vb -bg
\#FFD0C0 -e  'sudo -s'

# Section: Menus
# This section defines a small menu structure.  The main menu contains
# some typical entries, and uses a hook (main-menu.hook) to allow the
# user to add new entries.  Most of the default entries are submenus,
# which are also defined here.

AddToMenu WORK_MENU_popup "Work Menu"   Title
 + "xosview"%xosview.png%		barxosview
 + "Firefox"%/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/iceweasel.png%		Exec
 + "Icedove"%/usr/share/icedove/icons/mozicon16.png%	Exec exec aoss icedove
 + "Nedit"%nedit16.png%			Exec nedit
 + "Konqueror"%konqueror16.png%		Exec konqueror -profile filemanagement
 + "Multisync"%multisynk16.png%		Exec multisync
 + "Amarok"%amarok16.png%		Exec amarok
 + "Ario"				Exec /usr/bin/ario
 + "MPD-Frontend (gbemol)"				Exec /usr/bin/gbemol
 + "Kmobiletools"%kmobiletools16.png%	Exec kmobiletools
 + "Kaffeine"%kaffeine16.xpm%		Exec kaffeine
 + "Totem"%totem16.png%			Exec totem
 + "Kopete"%kopete16.xpm%		Exec kopete
+ "Kvpnc"%kvpnc16.png%			Exec /usr/bin/gksudo kvpnc
 + "Skype"%skype16.png%			Exec skype
 + ""					Nop
 + "Xterm"%terminal16.png%		Exec xterm
# + "Xterm"%terminal16.png%		Exec xterm -xrm "*Page:0 0 1"
 + "Top"		Exec xterm -e top
 + ""			Nop
 + "Lautstaerke"%/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/status/stock_volume.png%	
Exec gnome-volume-control
 + "Calculator"%xcalc16.png%		Exec xcalc
 + ""			Nop
 + "Home"%kfm_home16.png%		Exec /usr/bin/konqueror ~
 + "Systeminfo"%kfm16.png%		Exec /usr/bin/konqueror  sysinfo:/
 + "Suche(Kerry)"%kfind16.png%		Exec kerry --show-searchdialog
 + "Suche(beagle)"%kio_beagle16.png%	Exec /usr/bin/beagle-search
 + ""			Nop
 + "vpnc tunet-all"	Exec sudo $[HOME]/.fvwm/scripts/vpnc.fvwm tunet-all
 + "vpnc tunet-only"	Exec sudo $[HOME]/.fvwm/scripts/vpnc.fvwm tunet-only
 + "vpnc tunet-wlan"	Exec sudo $[HOME]/.fvwm/scripts/vpnc.fvwm tunet-wlan
 + "vpnc-disconnect"	Exec sudo vpnc-disconnect
 + "route"		Exec xterm -e 'netstat -r'
 + ""			Nop
 + "Flyback"		Exec /usr/local/bin/flyback.py&
 + ""			Nop
 + "Screen"	 	Popup screen_popup
# + "Settings"	 	Popup settings_popup
 + "Debian"		Popup "/Debian"
# + "Debian"		Function DebianMenu
# + "SUSE"%SuSEmenu16.png%		Popup xdg_menu
# + "KDE"		Popup kde-all
# + "GNOME"		Popup gnome-all
 + ""			Nop
 + "Gnome-Control-Center"	Exec /usr/bin/gnome-control-center
 + "Synaptic-Paketverwaltung"%synaptic16.xpm%	Exec /usr/bin/gksudo synaptic
 + "WindowManager"	Popup THISWM_MENU_popup
 + "Fvwm-Konfiguration" Exec nedit $[HOME]/.fvwm2rc
 + ""			Nop
 + "Fvwm2 neu starten"%autorefresh16.png%	Restart
# + #"Bildschirm sperren (xlock)"%kgpg16.png%	Exec xset dpms force
suspend && xlock -info "du willst wieder rein? sodann gib mir dein
passwort!!!" -dpms suspend 1 -mode blank
 + "Bildschirm sperren (xscreensaver)"%kgpg16.png%	Exec xscreensaver &
xscreensaver-command -lock && xset dpms force suspend
# + "Bildschirm sperren (gnome-screensaver)"%kgpg16.png%	Exec
gnome-screensaver-command -la
# + "Bildschirmschoner einstellen (gnome-screensaver)"%kgpg16.png%	Exec
 + "Bildschirmschoner einstellen (xscreensaver)"%kgpg16.png%	Exec
 + "Benutzer wechseln"			Exec gnome-panel-logout
 + "Sitzung beenden"%quit16.png%	Quit

AddToMenu screen_popup "Screen"   Title
 + "Bildschirm-Energieverwaltung"	 Popup settings_xlock_popup
 + "Bildschirmschoner"	 Exec xscreensaver
 + "Bildschirm nach links drehen"	Exec xrandr -o left
 + "Bildschirm nach rechts drehen"	Exec xrandr -o right
 + "Bildschirm auf den Kopf stellen"	Exec xrandr -o inverted
 + "Bildschirm normale Position"	Exec xrandr -o normal
 + "ElectricSheep"			Exec electricsheep --root 1 --zoom 1
 + "ElectricSheep stoppen"		Exec killall electricsheep
 + "XAnalogTV"				Exec /usr/lib/xscreensaver/xanalogtv -root
 + "XAnalogTV stoppen"			Exec killall xanalogtv

AddToMenu settings_xlock_popup "Bildschirmschoner (xset s)"   Title
# + "Blank"		Exec xset s blank
 + "aus"		Exec xset s off
 + "Pattern after 5 min"		 Exec xset s noblank s 300 300
 + "dpms aktivieren"	Exec xset +dpms
 + "dpms deaktivieren"	Exec xset -dpms
 + "Standby Bildschirm"	Popup settings_xlock_xset_dpms_time_standby_popup
 + "Suspend Bildschirm"	Popup settings_xlock_xset_dpms_time_suspend_popup
 + "Default"		Exec xset s default

AddToMenu settings_xlock_xset_dpms_time_suspend_popup "Nach welcher Zeit
ausschalten?"   Title
 + "nie"		Exec xset dpms 0 0 0
 + "10s"		Exec xset dpms 0 10 0
 + "30s"		Exec xset dpms 0 30 0
 + "1min"		Exec xset dpms 0 60 0
 + "2min"		Exec xset dpms 0 120 0
 + "3min"		Exec xset dpms 0 180 0
 + "4min"		Exec xset dpms 0 240 0
 + "5min"		Exec xset dpms 0 300 0
 + "10min"		Exec xset dpms 0 600 0

AddToMenu settings_xlock_xset_dpms_time_standby_popup "Nach welcher Zeit
ausschalten?"   Title
 + "nie"		Exec xset dpms 0 0 0
 + "10s"		Exec xset dpms 10 0 0
 + "30s"		Exec xset dpms 30 0 0
 + "1min"		Exec xset dpms 60 0 0
 + "2min"		Exec xset dpms 120 0 0
 + "3min"		Exec xset dpms 180 0 0
 + "4min"		Exec xset dpms 240 0 0
 + "5min"		Exec xset dpms 300 0 0
 + "10min"		Exec xset dpms 600 0 0
# MWM style menus are easier to use and better for Windows refugees.

#MenuStyle black grey white -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-* mwm

# The main menu.

###DestroyMenu MainMenu
###AddToMenu MainMenu
###+ "Main menu"		Title 	
###Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/main-menu-pre.hook
###Read .fvwm2/main-menu-pre.hook
###Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/main-menu.hook
###Read .fvwm2/main-menu.hook
###+ ""			Nop
###+ "Exit Fvwm"		Popup Quit-Verify
# Read in system and user menu definitions.

Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook
Read .fvwm2/menudefs.hook

# The Window-Ops menu is for manipulating windows.  It is invoked either
# from the main menu, or directly from the root window.

DestroyMenu Window-Ops
AddToMenu Window-Ops
+ "Window Ops"			Title		
+ "Move"			Move
+ "Resize"			Resize
+ "Raise"			Raise
+ "Lower"			Lower
+ "(De)Iconify"			Iconify
+ "(Un)Stick"			Stick		
+ "(Un)Maximize vertical"	Maximize 0 100
+ "(Un)Maximize horizontal"	Maximize 100 0
+ "(Un)Maximize to screen" 	Maximize 100 100
+ ""				Nop
+ "Destroy"			Destroy
+ "Close"			Close	

# Quit-Verify checks that the user really wants to exit.

DestroyMenu Quit-Verify
AddToMenu Quit-Verify
+ "Restart Fvwm"	Restart fvwm2
+ ""			Nop
+ "Really quit"		Quit	

# Section: Mouse bindings
# This section defines the mouse bindings, that is, all the things that
# can be done with the mouse.

# Each button gives a different menu from the background.

#Mouse 1	R A Menu /Debian
Mouse 2	R A Menu Window-Ops
Mouse 3	R A WindowList

# Moving and resizing, depending on which part of the window
# you grab (T=title bar, S=side/top/bottom, F=corner).

Mouse 1 T A move-or-raise
Mouse 2 T A move-and-raise-or-raiselower
Mouse 3 T A move-or-lower
Mouse 0 F A resize-or-raiselower
Mouse 1 S A move-or-raise
Mouse 2 S A move-and-raise-or-raiselower
Mouse 3 S A move-or-lower

# Move or de-iconify an icon.

Mouse 0 I A move-or-winmenu-or-deiconify

# Buttons on the title bar (1,3,5,7,9 are on the left, 0,8,6,4,2 on
# the right side of the title bar).  Note that the bindings here
# make more sense if the ButtonStyle's defined earlier are retained.

Mouse 0 1 A Popup Window-Ops
Mouse 0 2 A Close
Mouse 0 4 A Maximize 0 100
Mouse 0 6 A Iconify

Mouse	1	R	A	Menu	WORK_MENU_popup	Nop
Mouse	1	SF	A	Function "ResizeOrRaise"

Mouse	1	T	A	Function "MoveOrRaise"

Mouse	1	I	A	Iconify
Mouse	2	I	A	Iconify
Mouse	3	TSIF	A	RaiseLower

Mouse	1	2	A	Delete
Mouse	1	4	A	Maximize 100  100, Raise
Mouse	1	3	A	Stick
Mouse	2	4	A	Maximize 0 93, Raise
Mouse	3	4	A	Maximize 100  0
Mouse	0	6	A	Iconify

Mouse   1       W       M      Function "MoveOrRaise"

# Section: Key bindings
# This section binds some actions to keys.  The bindings have been inspired
# by MWM, Windows, and nightmares.  Everything that these key bindings do,
# can be done without them.  Therefore they should not be too much of a
# burden on new users, but it definitely _can_ be confusing to press a
# key by accident and have it do something completely unexpected.

Key Tab		A	M	Next [CurrentDesk !iconic] Focus
Key Tab		A	MS	Prev [CurrentDesk !iconic] Focus
Key Tab		A	CM	Next [CurrentDesk] deiconify-and-focus
Key Tab		A	CMS	Prev [CurrentDesk] deiconify-and-focus
Key Tab		A	M	Windowlist

Key Left	A	M	Desk -1 0
Key Up		A	M	Desk -1 0
Key Right	A	M	Desk 1 0
Key Down	A	M	Desk 1 0
Key Left	A	C	Page -1 0
Key Up		A	C	Page -1 0
Key Right	A	C	Page 1 0
Key Down	A	C	Page 1 0
Key F1		A	M	Restart fvwm2
#Key F1		A	M	Popup Window-Ops
Key F2		A	M	Popup /Debian
Key F3		A	M	Lower
Key F4		A	M	WindowList
Key F5		A	M	CirculateUp
Key F6		A	M	CirculateDown
Key F7		A	M	Move
Key F8		A	M	Resize
Key F9		A	M	Iconify
Key F10 	A	M	Maximize
Key	b	A	M	Exec /usr/bin/iceweasel&
Key	m	A	M	Exec /usr/bin/icedove&
Key	v	A	M	Function vpncFunc
Key	d	A	M	Function vpncDEFunc

Key	Super_L	A	A	Function bringup
Key Super_L	A	M	Popup WORK_MENU_popup Nop
Key F1		A	C	exec /usr/bin/X11/xterm_color -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14
-geometry 80x30
Key XF86AudioRaiseVolume		A	A	Exec amixer -c 0 -- sset Master 5%+ unmute
Key XF86AudioLowerVolume		A	A	Exec amixer -c 0 -- sset Master 5%- unmute
Key XF86AudioMute			A	A	Exec amixer -c 0 -- sset Master mute
# Section: Functions
# This section defines various functions.  Not all of these are used by
# the default bindings, but they can be useful for a user who wants to
Key XF86AudioLowerVolume		A	A	Exec amixer -c 0 -- sset Master 5%-
# customize things.
# The following functions operate on a window or menu.  The
# names are systematic: foo means "do foo"; foo-or-bar means
# "do foo, if mouse is moving, bar if click"; and foo-or-bar-or-baz
# adds "baz, if double-clicked".

DestroyMenu move-or-winmenu-or-deiconify
AddToFunc   move-or-winmenu-or-deiconify
+ "M" Move
+ "C" Popup Window-Ops
+ "D" Iconify

DestroyMenu deiconify-and-focus
AddToFunc   deiconify-and-focus
+ "I" Iconify -1
+ "I" Focus

DestroyMenu deiconify-and-raise
AddToFunc   deiconify-and-raise
+ "I" Iconify -1
+ "I" Raise

DestroyMenu move-or-raiselower	
AddToFunc   move-or-raiselower	
+ "M" Move
+ "C" RaiseLower

DestroyMenu move-or-raise
AddToFunc   move-or-raise
+ "M" Move
+ "C" Raise

DestroyMenu move-or-lower
AddToFunc   move-or-lower
+ "M" Move
+ "C" Lower

DestroyMenu move-and-raise-or-raiselower	
AddToFunc   move-and-raise-or-raiselower	
+ "M" Move
+ "M" Raise
+ "C" RaiseLower

DestroyMenu move-or-raiselower-or-maximize-vertical
AddToFunc   move-or-raiselower-or-maximize-vertical
+ "M" Move
+ "C" RaiseLower
+ "D" Maximize 0 100

DestroyMenu resize-or-raiselower	
AddToFunc   resize-or-raiselower	
+ "M" Resize
+ "C" RaiseLower

# Section: post.hook
# Use post.hook to force things that may have been changed earlier, for
# example, key bindinds.
######   ##    ##  ########  ########    ####     ##    ##
##  ###  ##    ##  ########  ########  ##    ##   ###   ##
##   ##  ##    ##     ##        ##     ##    ##   ## #  ##
######   ##    ##     ##        ##     ##    ##   ##  # ##
##   ##  ##    ##     ##        ##     ##    ##   ##   ###
##  ###  ##    ##     ##        ##     ##    ##   ##    ##
######     ####       ##        ##       ####     ##    ##

*FvwmButtons: Frame		0
#*FvwmButtonsFont		6x13
*FvwmButtonsFore		Black
*FvwmButtonsBack		grey75
#*FvwmButtonsGeometry		1270x55 -1200 +0
*FvwmButtons: ButtonGeometry	60x50
*FvwmButtonsRows		1
*FvwmButtons: BoxSize smart
*FvwmButtons: Font
*FvwmButtons: (1x1 Frame 0 , Swallow xeyes "Exec exec xeyes&", Action
"FvwmPager  -transient 0 3 " )
*FvwmButtons (2x1 Frame 0 Swallow "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 0")
*FvwmButtons (Action "Exec xload", 1x1 Frame 0 Swallow "xload" 'Exec
xload -bg grey75 -geometry -200+0 -label jakob& ')
*FvwmButtons (Action "Exec xosview +battery +net", ActionOnPress , 2x1
Frame 0 Swallow (Respawn) xosview "Exec /usr/bin/xosview -usedlabels
-swap -load -page +net -network 1000000 -int -xrm
'xosview*background:grey75' -xrm 'xosview*foreground:black' -geometry
-200+0 -captions +battery -font -windows-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*& ")
*FvwmButtons (2x1 Frame 0 Swallow "kalender" 'Exec xterm -geometry
20x9+0-20 -T kalender -xrm "xterm*ScrollBar: off" -xrm "xterm*font:
-windows-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -xrm "xterm*background: grey75"
-e "while : ;do clear; date +%d.%b.%Y%n%A%n%T%nTag:%j\\ Woche:%V;sleep
*FvwmButtons (2x1 Frame 0 Swallow "ipadress" 'Exec xterm -geometry
20x9+0-20 -T ipadress -xrm "xterm*ScrollBar: off" -xrm "xterm*font:
-windows-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -xrm "xterm*background: grey75"
-e "while : ;do clear; echo IP-Adressen:;routel |grep local|grep -v
broadcast|grep -v \:\:|grep -v 127|sed 's@[[:space:]]@_@g'|tr -s '_'|sed
's/^_*//'|cut -d '_' -f 1;sleep 3;done"')
*FvwmButtons "konqueror"  konqueror16.png Exec konqueror -profile
filemanagement ~/ &
*FvwmButtons "nedit" nedit16.png Exec nedit &
*FvwmButtons "office" openoffice16.png Exec ooffice &
	*FvwmButtons (1x1,Container(Rows 3, Frame 0))
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Title "www" Action `Exec exec /usr/bin/iceweasel`)
	*FvwmButtons "mail" Exec exec /usr/bin/icedove &
	#*FvwmButtons "mail" /usr/share/pixmaps/evolution.xpm Exec evolution &
	*FvwmButtons (1x1,Container(Rows 3, Frame 0))
		*FvwmButtons "root" Function RootShell
		*FvwmButtons "xterm" "" Exec xterm +ai -e bash -login
	#*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame  Swallow "KPowersave"  'Exec kpowersave  &')
	#*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame  Swallow "Kinternet"  'Exec kinternet
--swallow &')
	*FvwmButtons TU terminal16.png Exec xterm -bg Grey88 -xrm
"XTerm.backarrowKeyIsErase: false" -T Domain1 -n  Domain1 -e ssh -Y -l
User1 Host1
	*FvwmButtons trackopt terminal16.png Exec xterm -bg Grey88 -xrm
"XTerm.backarrowKeyIsErase: false" -T Domain2 -n Domain2 -e ssh -Y -l
User2 Host2
	*FvwmButtons router terminal16.png Exec xterm -bg Grey88 -T root@router
-n root@router -e ssh -Y -l root router
*FvwmButtons(2x1,Container(Rows 2,Frame 0))
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Swallow (NoClose,UseOld,Respawn,NoKill)
"kbluetooth"  'Exec kbluetooth  &')
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Swallow (NoClose,UseOld,Respawn,NoKill)
"KNetworkManager"  'Exec knetworkmanager  &')
	*FvwmButtons (1x1  Swallow (NoClose,UseOld,Respawn,NoKill) "kpowersave"
 'Exec kpowersave  &')
	*FvwmButtons  "" /usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/status/stock_volume.png
Exec gnome-volume-control &
	*FvwmButtons (3x1,Container(Rows 2, Frame 1))
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Title "<<" Action `Exec exec echo -e
"previous\\nclose"|nc localhost 6600 > /dev/null`
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Title "||" Action `Exec exec echo -e
"pause\\nclose"|nc localhost 6600 > /dev/null`)
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Title > Action `Exec exec echo -e
"play\\nclose"|nc localhost 6600 > /dev/null`)
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Title ">>" Action `Exec exec echo -e
"next\\nclose"|nc localhost 6600 > /dev/null`)
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Title # Action `Exec exec echo -e
"stop\\nclose"|nc localhost 6600 > /dev/null`)
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Title mpd Action Exec /usr/bin/sonata &)
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Title V+ Action Exec /usr/bin/mpc volume +7 &)
	*FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame, Title V- Action Exec /usr/bin/mpc volume -7 &)

Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/post.hook
Read .fvwm2/post.hook
Read $[HOME]/.fvwm/windowdecors/brushedmetal/config
ModuleTimeout 1

lg jakob

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