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Re: Status of the package cm-super?

Szabo Peter <pts@inf.bme.hu> wrote:

>>> What does the name mean? Why "pts", and why "tetex"?
>> I must admit I have no idea about that, I just take the name in the CTAN
>> repository.
> pts is my nickname. I've created the pts-tetex-cm-super package
> initially for myself.
> tetex is in the package name because the postinst script sets up these
> fonts so they can be used in tetex (mktexlsr etc.).

Okay, now this is clear.  As for the pts, I don't think it is
particularly helpful now the package is in Debian, but that is Mickael's
and your decision.

The tetex should in fact be dropped, because in a couple of weeks we're
going to have tex-live packages in Debian, and AFAIK Norbert wants to
exclude all the stuff that already has a Debian package.  Therefore,
cm-super should be made to work with both tetex and texlive (which is
easy if you follow the drafted Debian TeX Policy), if possible.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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