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Re: Status of the package cm-super?

On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 11:33:25AM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:

> > 1 - I see that the package is compiled for each architecture. Is this
> >     really necessary? I thought that fonts would be cross platform.
> There are some binaries included.  Still, it would safe considerable
> amounts of archive and mirror size if the binaries would be split off to
> a separate package, making the major part Architecture: all.

Mmhh, that's true. In order to save space, the fonts are stored in a
different format in the package (which explains points 2). The package
include a little C utility to generate the font in the usual format in

It's true that I can split it in two packages in order to save space on
mirrors... There is also a perl version of the translation utility, it
will be less efficient, but as it is done only once, that may be a nice
solution? Feel free to give your opinion.
> > 2 - pts-tetex-cm-super is *quite* smaller than the package that Claire
> >     once made (which had 60MB). Does it leave anything out that the
> >     other package had?

no, As said above, it is just stored in a different way in the package,
and restored in postinst.
> I have one more question, however:
> What does the name mean? Why "pts", and why "tetex"?
I must admit I have no idea about that, I just take the name in the CTAN



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