debian-testing Dec 2004 by subject

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"unsubscribe" .bash_profile not executed with k/gdm [Fwd: smp kernel & APIC problem] Adaptec 2410SA RAID 1 with latest Debian Installer apt-get (dpkg) Package is in very bad inconsistant state Buy Cia'lis soft'tabs, 1 day s"ale confirm checksums Detection d'un message par eManager5 (Attachment Removal) DVD DVD/RW not seen in debian testing Failed install USB stick / rc2 gtk 1.2 fontsize with LANG=de_DE@euro Is Sarge a mix of testing/unstable really? is there a version problem is there a version problem between Sarge Disk k3b: cannot write dvd-r but only dvd-rw kppp don't connect mysql-dfsg has been build but is claimed not to be so since a week now? the new installer for the previous sarge No fd0 no keyboard when installing 2.6 no lm-sensors modules for kernel-2.4? Re: no screens found Orologio meteo Techmaster e mp3! Sarge nvidia: too low resolution SMBMount issues between Woody and Sid smp kernel & APIC problem upgrade failed, not finding modules What happened to my MIME settings? The last update was on 19:59 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 64 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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