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Re: tasks overview wishlist: Canonical citing reference

Am Montag, den 27.10.2008, 22:13 +0900 schrieb Charles Plessy:
> I have been thinking a bit further about the bibtex references, and wonder
> about two questions:
>  - What kind of unique identifier will we give to them?

I used the scheme "First Author, Year, Colon, Software" for quite some
time now. Example: "Baker2001:apbs" for APBS [0]. Until now, I did not
have any problems with that.

>  - Downloadable references often include the abstract, but the abstract is
>    copyrighted work most of the time. Should we better not include them?

I think we should leave it out. If some meta-information like DOI or
PMID is given, it's trivial to get the abstract. Also, the abstract is
not needed when citing; I expect people to have read the paper when
doing so, so they already have (read) the abstract.

Best regards

[0] http://apbs.sourceforge.net/

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