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Re: tasks overview wishlist: Canonical citing reference

On Thu, 2008-10-16 at 21:36 +0200, Manuel Prinz wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 16.10.2008, 17:41 +0200 schrieb Michael Banck:
> > The problem I have with doc-base is that it is underused and not very
> > accessible.  At least that is my impression of it as somebody who
> > doesn't care a lot about it from a packager's POV.  I probably should
> > care more, though.
> I know lots of long-term Debian users who are not even aware of doc-base
> at all... I do share your POV here.

Really?  But doc-base is so cool!  It's yet another Debian invention
(predates scrollkeeper by several years) which makes life a ton easier
for users, like apt and debconf.

> > So anyway, I'd really like to have something usable for users in
> > /usr/share/doc/<package> and not just some meta-data stream that's
> > marked up reasonably somewhere else.  Maybe it's best to have a seperate
> > citation.bib and references.bib file with just the bibtex data?
> This is IMHO the solution to go for. Adam's idea is quite good as well,
> and as I see it, they're complementary in that we could use doc-base for
> now and use the data (better: the .doc-base files) to generate the
> citations.bib and references.bib out of those entries via a script.

My idea was actually to have the citations.bib and/or references.bib
in /usr/share/doc/<package> as you say, and have the .doc-base file
include something like:

Format: BibTeX
Files: /usr/share/doc/<package>/*.bib

Is there an advantage to having the BibTeX data right in the .doc-base
file?  I can't see one, and I think it might confuse .doc-base parsers.

So I think we agree about this.  Advantages:
      * It uses (and perhaps reinforces) the doc-base index system,
        which IMO is one of Debian's under-appreciated strengths.
      * It's backward-compatible with old versions of debhelper,
        dhelp/dwww, etc. which will just ignore that section
        of .doc-base.
      * There's a user-visible place for .bib files, which is wherever
        the maintainer feels is the best place for them, we don't need
        to wait for a script to be available to generate it.
      * Metadata are in one place, which is the .bib files, not
        duplicated in .doc-base and .bib files and plain formats and
        HTML and control, so the maintainer only has to change or update
        things once.
      * It doesn't bloat Packages or control.
      * It's future-expandable, as new versions of dhelp etc. can use
        the .doc-base and .bib files to generate a whole host of new
        user- friendly files, from a master .bib file or other reference
        manager files, to a plain text reference list, to an HTML index
        with links to the DOIs.
      * Scrollkeeper might follow Debian's leadership (again) and make
        use of such metadata.

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