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Re: tasks overview wishlist: Canonical citing reference

Am Donnerstag, den 16.10.2008, 11:24 -0400 schrieb Adam C Powell IV:
> Also, what other open formats do people use for citations?  Is there a
> format which OpenOffice can use?  (I've found bibliographies in OOo to
> be a real pain, so I just do them in latex/bibtex even if collaborators
> want the main paper/proposal to be in OOo.)  I do *not* think we should
> have Debian tools parse EndNote etc.

I do not see too much need to support each and every format. BibTeX is
quite universal and flexible, and there are tools that can convert it to
almost everything.

Off-topic: For OOo, I can recommend Bibus. It can read BibTeX files and
is able to add references directly to an OOo document (or even Word, if
one cares). It's simple to use and works nicely once set up. (IIRC there
it's not yet packaged. I wanted to file an RFP soon. I use it too rarely
to care for it too much. So if someone feels the need to ITP, please go
for it!)

Best regards

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