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Re: Current state of packaging Python software for Debian

W dniu 15.06.2011 03:28, Ben Finney pisze:

If we are talking from a perspective of upstream developers that
also maintain their packages then I would *love* to see setup.py
sdist-test and would use it each day.


How would a putative ‘sdist_test’ differ from ‘test’? Why is this an
argument for a new command, and not an argument to improve what is done
by ‘test’ anyway?

Pure test runs the test on the check-out of the code and is usually invoked by the upstream developer. It can (and often does) run on a superset of files that are distributed with sdist).

In contrast, the theoretical sdist_test would first create a release tarball with sdist, unpack it to some temporary directory and run `setup.py test` there.

Such a command would be useful for checking that project manifest file contains everything desired to make the program run correctly (I often miss something and only realise it's missing when I start packaging).

IMHO it should be a separate command to ensure that 1) stuff that works today keeps working 2) there is no performance penalty for running setup.py test that would be required by setup.py sdist_test.

Best regards

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